Mewn awydd canu'r wyf o hyd

(Molaf Ef)
Mewn awydd canu'r wyf o hyd,
  Fy nagrau'n sychu sydd,
Mae'r Iesu'n Gyfaill im' bob pryd,
  A'i foli wnaf bob dydd.

    Fe'i molaf, molaf,
        molaf Ef o hyd,
    Molaf, molaf,
      Fe'i molaf Ef o hyd.

Os hudol wên y gelyn ddaw
  I geisio dwyn fy mryd,
Gafaela Iesu yn fy llaw,
  A chanu wnaf o hyd.

Gwawl hoff Efengyl yn mhob oes
  Ledaeno dros y byd,
Nes byddo'r son
    am waed y groes
  Yn gân, yn gân i gyd.
Thomas Williams (Brynfab) 1848-1927

Tôn [8686+5546]: Singing all the Time
    (George C Stebbins 1846-1945)

(I will Praise Him)
With a desire to sing am I always,
  My tears are drying,
Jesus is ever a friend to me,
  And I shall praise him every day.

    I shall praise , praise,
        praise Him always,
    Praise, praise,
        I shall praise Him always.

If an enchanting smile of yonder enemy come
  To try to steal my attention,
Jesus will hold my hand,
  And I shall sing always.

The dawn of the lovely Gospel in every age
  Shall spread over the world,
Until mention of the blood
    of the cross shall be
  Song, altogether song.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
(I'll Praise Him)
I feel like singing all the time,
  My tears are wiped away;
For Jesus is a Friend of mine,
  I'll serve Him ev'ry day.

    I'll praise Him, praise Him,
        praise Him all the time,
    Praise Him, priase Him,
        I'll praise Him all the time.

When fierce temptations try my heart,
  I'll sing, "Jesus is mine!"
And so, though tears at time may start,
  I'm singing all the time.

The wondrous story of the Lamb
  Tell with that voice of thine,
Till others, with
    the glad new song,
  Go singing all the time.
Edward P Hammond 1831-1910

Tune [8686+5546]: Singing all the Time
    (George C Stebbins 1846-1945)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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