Mewn bywyd mae gwas'naethu Duw

Life is the time to serve the Lord

(Prynu'r amser. Preg. ix. 10)
1,2,(3a,4);  1,2,(3b);  1,3b.
Mewn bywyd mae gwas'naethu Duw,
Dydd gras ac iechydwriaeth yw;
  Tra paro'r lamp i losgi ma's,
  Yr adyn gwaethaf all gael gras.

Bywyd yw'r amser roddes ef
I ochel uffern, ffoi i'r nef;
  Pryd yw gall dynion euog gwael
  Fendithion i'w heneidiau gael.

Am hyny boed i ni i gyd,
I fod yn ddiwyd yn y byd;
  Gan nad oes dyfais, gwaith
      na'i wedd,
  Na ffydd na gobaith yn y bedd.

[Am hynny'r hyn sydd yn fy mryd,
 Boed im' ei wneud â'm hegni 'gyd;
   Gan nad oes dyfais, gwaith, na hedd,
   Na ffydd, na gobaith yn y bedd.]

I fynydd Seion awn o'r bron,
I gyd-addoli'n dyrfa lon;
  Mae Duw yn haeddiant dwyfol waed,
  Yn gwrando gweddi'r
      gwaela gaed.
ac iechydwriaeth :: a(c) iachawdwriaeth
Yr adyn gwaethaf :: Yr enaid euog
gwaethaf :: gwaetha
- - - - - 1,2,3,(4),5,6.
Mewn bywyd mae gwas'naethu Duw, Dydd gras ac iechydwriaeth yw; Tra dalio'r lamp heb losgi ma's, Yr adyn gwaethaf all gael ras. Bywyd yw'r awr a roddes Ef I ochel uffern, ffoi i'r nef; Dydd yw gall pechaduriaid gwael Achubiaeth i'w heneidiau gael. Y byw fydd marw, hn a ŵyr, Y meirw aeth i anghof llwyr; Fe ddarfu eu cof a'u synwyr hwy, Ni 'dwaenat ac ni 'dwaenir mwy. Eu cas a'i cariad ddarfu 'nawr, A'u malais gladdwyd yn y llawr; Ni feddant ran o'r gwaith na'r draul, Nac o'r trafferthon sy dan haul. Am hyny'r hyn fydd yn fy mryd, Bid imi wneyd â'm hegni gyd; Gan nad oes dyfais, gwaith, na'i wedd, Na fydd na gobaith yn y bedd. Nid oes pardynau i ryddhau Mewn bedd, ll'r ydym ni'n nesäu; Ond angeu a thywyllwch du Byth yno yn teyrnasu sy.
- - - - -

(Gweithio tra y mae hi yn dydd)

Mewn bywyd mae gwas'naethu Duw,
Dydd gras ac iechydwriaeth yw;
  Tra dalio'r lamp
      heb losgi maes,
  Fe all y gwaethaf droi trwy ras.

Bywyd yw'r amser roddes Ef
I ochel uffern - ffoi i'r nef;
  Dydd yw gall pechaduriaid gwael
  Achubiaeth i'w heneidiau gael.

Am hyny'r hyn sydd yn fy mryd,
Boed im' ei wneud â'm nerth i gyd;
  Can's gwaith na dyfais o un wedd,
  Nid oes, na gobaith, yn y bedd.

Trugaredd yn y bedd ni bydd
I' hwn synn yn dibrisio'i ddydd
  Ond angau a thywyllwch du
  Drwy'r fangre yn teyrnasu sy.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Fulda (Sacred Melodies 1815)
Ffrydiau Babilon (Thomas Campion 1567-1619)
Gibraltar (C W Pole 1828-1924)
Morning Hymn (François H Barthélémon 1741-1808)
Staincliffe (Robert W Dixon 1750-1825)
Tallis' Canon (Thomas Tallis c.1505-85)
Yr Hen Ganfed (Sallwyr Genefa)

(Redeeming the time. Ecclesiastes ix. 10)  
In life is serving God,
A day of grace and salvation it is;
  While the lamp continues to burn out,
  The worst miscreant can receive grace.

Life is the time he gave
To shun hell, to flee to the heaven;
  Now is [when] the vile, guilty men can
  Blessings to their souls obtain.

Therefore let us all
Be devoted in the world;
  Since there is no scheme, work
      nor its like,
  Nor faith nor hope in the grave.

[Therefore this is in my intention,
 May I do it with all my energy;
   Since there is no scheme, work nor peace,
   Nor faith, nor hope in the grave.]

To Mount Zion let us all go,
To worship together as a cheerful throng;
  God in the merit of divine blood, is
  Listening to the prayer
      of the poorest there is.
The worst miscreant :: The guilty soul
- - - - -  
In life is the serving of God, The day of grace and salvation it is; While the lamp holds without burning out, The worst scoundrel can get grace. Life is the hour He has given To avoid hell, to flee to heaven; A day it is when base sinners can Salvation for their souls get. The living shall die, this he knows, The dead go to complete oblivion; The memory and sense of them shall vanish, They will neither know nor be known any more. Their hatred and their love vanish now, And their malice is buried in the ground; The possess no part of the work or the spending, Nor of the troubles which are under the sun. Therefore this shall be in my mind, That I will do with all my energy; Since there is no scheme, work, nor its aspect, Neither faith nor hope in the grave. There are no pardons to set free In a grave, where we are drawing near; But death and black darkness Which forever there reigning are.
- - - - -

(Working while it is day)

In life is serving God,
A day of grace and salvation it is;
  While the lamp continue
      without burning out,
  The worst may turn through grace.

Life is the time he gave
To shun hell - to flee to the heaven;
  Day is [when] the vilest sinners can
  Salvation to their souls obtain.

For these this is in my intention,
That I may do it with all my strength;
  Since work nor contrivance of any form,
  There is not, nor hope, in the grave.

Mercy in the grave there shall not be
To him who despises his day;
  But death and black darkness
  Throughout the place are reigning.
tr. 2008,19 Richard B Gillion
(Life the day of grace and hope. Eccles. 9. 4,3,6,10.)
Life is the time to serve the Lord,
The time t'insure the great reward;
  And while the lamp holds out to burn
  The vilest sinner may return.

Life is the hour that God has given
To 'scape from hell, and fly to heaven,
  The day of grace, and mortals may
  Secure the blessings of the day.

Then what my thoughts design to do,
My hands, with all your might pursue,
  Since no device,
      nor work is found,
  Nor faith, nor hope beneath the ground.

[Then what my thoughts design to do,
 My hands, with all your might pursue,
   Since no device, nor work is found,
   Nor faith, nor hope beneath the ground.]

- - - - -  
Life is the time to serve the Lord, The time t'insure the great reward; And while the lamp holds out to burn The vilest sinner may return. Life is the hour that God has given To 'scape from hell, and fly to heaven, The day of grace, and mortals may Secure the blessings of the day. The living know that they must die, But all the dead forgotten lie, Their memory and their sense is gone, Alike unknowing and unknown. Then what my thoughts design to do, My hands, with all your might pursue, Since no device, nor work is found, Nor faith, nor hope beneath the ground. There are no acts of pardon past In the cold grave to which we haste, But darkness, death, and long despair Reign in eternal silence there.
- - - - -


Life is the time to serve the Lord,
The time t'insure the great reward;
  And while the lamp
      holds out to burn
  The vilest sinner may return.

Life is the hour that God has given
To 'scape from hell, and fly to heaven,
  The day of grace, and mortals may
  Secure the blessings of the day.

Then what my thoughts design to do,
My hands, with all your might pursue,
  Since no device, nor work is found,
  Nor faith, nor hope beneath the ground.

There are no acts of pardon past
In the cold grave to which we haste,
  But darkness, death, and long despair
  Reign in eternal silence there.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707

Tune [LM 8888]: Hingham (Samuel A Holyoke 1762-1820)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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