Mewn ing bu'r addfwyn Oen

(Yr Addfwyn Oen)
Mewn ing bu'r addfwyn Oen
  Heb gorlan drosof fi;
A chlywaf sŵn Ei chwerw boen
  Yng nghreigiau Calfari.

Fe ddringodd tua'r goes,
  A'i ffordd yn ddrain i gyd;
Ac nid oes neb a draetha'i oes
  Dan bwys pechodau'r byd.

Yr oedd y storm yn gref,
  A'r Bryn yn ddu o fraw;
A Bugail mawr corlannau'r nef
  Yn roi Ei wyneb draw.

Yr Oen tragwyddol wyn
  Yn unig heb y praidd,
Adawyd ar lechweddau'r Bryn
  Yn sŵn rhuadau'r blaidd.

O'i aberth mawr Ei Hun
  Maddeuant llawn a gaed;
A nef a daear ddaw yn un
  Yn nwyfol rin Ei waed.

Mi glywaf dyrfa fawr
  Yn llawn o ddedwydd hoen,
Ar aur delynnau'n canu'n awr
  Mai teilwng ydyw'r Oen.
Evan Rees (Dyfed) 1850-1923

[Mesur: MB 6686]

(The Gentle Lamb)
In anguish was the gentle Lamb
  Without a fold for me;
And I hear the sound of His bitter pain
  In the rocks of Calvary.

He climbed towards the cross,
  And his road all thorns;
And no-one can expound his age
  Under the weight of the world's sins.

The storm was strong,
  And the Hill black with terror;
And the great Shepherd of heaven's folds
  Turning His face yonder.

The eternal white Lamb
  Alone without the flock,
Was left on the slopes of the Hill
  In the sound of the roars of the wolf.

From His own great sacrifice
  Full forgiveness is got;
And heaven and earth as one
  In the divine merit of His blood.

I hear a great throng
  Full of happy joy,
On golden harps singing now
  That worthy is the Lamb.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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