Mewn priodas gynt yn Nghana

(Emyn Priodas)
Mewn priodas gynt yn Nghana
  Buost, Iesu mawr, dy Hun;
Rho dy bresenoldeb yma
  Lle y rhwymir dau yn un.

O'th fodlonrwydd daw cysuron
  A dedwyddwch yn y byd;
Ac â'th gariad yn y galon
  Y bydd serch yn bur o hyd.

Dysg hwy'n dyner iawn i feithrin
  Dy rasusau ar y daith;
Yn eu cartref bydd yn Frenin,
  Hwythau'n ffyddlon yn dy waith.

Aros, Iesu, gyda'r ddeuddyn,
  Dyro iddynt nawdd dy groes;
A'th dangnefedd fo'n eu dilyn
  Tra parhao
      dyddiau'u hoes.
J Machreth Rees 1855-1911

Tonau [8787]:
Omni Die (Corner's Gesangbuch 1631)
Shipston (alaw Seisnig)

(Wedding Hymn)
At a wedding once in Cana
  Thou wast, great Jesus, Thyself;
Grant thy presence here
  Where two are to be bound as one.

From thy pleasure may comfort and
  Happiness come in the world;
And with thy love in the heart
  The affection shall be always pure.

Teach them very tenderly to foster
  Thy graces on the journey;
In their home be thou King,
  Be they faithful in thy work.

Stay, Jesus, with the couple,
  Grant them the protection of thy cross;
And thy peace be following them
  While ever the days of
      their lifespan endure.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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