Mewn undeb trigwn ynddo Ef

One family we dwell in Him

(Undeb yr Eglwys)
Mewn undeb trigwn ynddo Ef, -
Un y'm trwy'r ddaear
    faith a'r nef;
  Er fod llifddyfroedd
    angeu'n awr
  Rhwng teulu'r nef
      a theulu'r llawr.

Un fyddin sydd gan Frenin nef,
A phlygant oll i'w eirchion Ef;
  Mae lluoedd 'wedi croesi'r dòn,
  A rhai yn croesi'r fynyd hon.

O Iesu! tywys ni bob dydd,
Dy gadarn air sy'n nerthu'n ffydd;
  Awn trwy'r Iorddonen yn dy law,
  Yn iach i'r hyfryd Ganaan draw.
cyf. Robert Ellis (Cynddelw) 1812-75

Tôn [MH 8888]: Yr Hen Ganfed (Salmydd Genefa 1551)

gwelir: Cyduned seintiau'r llawr eu llef

(The Unity of the Church)
In unity let us dwell in Him, -
One are we throughout the vast
    earth and heaven;
  Although the flood-waters
      of death are now
  Between the family heaven
      and the family of earth.

One army has the King of heaven,
And all bow to His command;
  Hosts have crossed the wave,
  And some are crossing this minute.

O Jesus, lead us every day!
Thy firm word is strengthening our faith;
  Let us go through the Jordan in thy hand,
  Safely to the delightful Canaan yonder.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion
One family, we dwell in Him,
One Church, above,
  Though now divided
      by the stream,
  The narrow stream
      of death.

One army of the living God,
To His command we bow;
  Part of the host have crossed the flood,
  And part are crossing now.

Jesu, be Thou our constant guide;
Then, when the word is given,
  Bid Jordan's narrow stream divide,
  And bring us safe to Heav'n.
Charles Wesley 1707-88

from: Come let us join our friends above
Funeral Hymns 1859

Tune [CM 8686]: Dundee (Scottish Psalter 1615)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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