Mi welaf noddfa glyd

(Forever here my rest shall be)

(Puro drwy'r Gwaed)
Mi welaf noddfa glyd
  Yn nghlwyfau Iesu gwiw;
Fy ninas gadarn yn y byd
  Yw cariad pur fy Nuw.

Yn ystlys Iesu mawr
  Agorwyd ffynnon rad,
I'n llwyr lanhau ni ar y llawr
  Trwy rinwedd mawr ei waed.

Golch fi oddiwrth fy mai
  Fy nwylaw, 'm pen, a'm traed;
Fy nghorph a'm henaid pura'n llwyr
  Yn ffrydiau'th santaidd waed.

Cymhwysa'th haeddiant cu,
  Nes puro'r brwnt yn lān,
A throi ngweddiau'n hyfryd fawl,
  A gorfoleddus gān.
haeddiant cu :: haeddiant drud

efel. D Davies
Diferion y Cysegr 1807

1,2,4: Aberth Moliant 1875
  3 : Ail Llyfr Tonau ac Emynau 1879

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Augustine/Awstin (J S Bach 1685-1750)
St George (Henry John Gauntlett 1805-1876)
St Michael (William Crotch 1775-1847)
Shawmut (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

gwelir: Golch fi oddiwrth fy mriw

(Purifying through the Blood)
I see a cosy refuge
  In the wounds of worthy Jesus;
My strong city in the world
  Is the pure love of my God.

In the side of great Jesus
  A free fountain was opened,
To completely cleanse us on the earth
  Through the great virtue of his blood.

Wash me from my fault,
  My hands, my head, and my feet;
My body and my soul purify completely
 In the streams of thy sacred blood.

Thy dear merit qualifies,
  Until it purifies the dirty clean,
And turns prayers into delightful praise,
  And a jubilant song.

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

(Prayer for Entire Purification)
Forever here my rest shall be,
  Close to Thy bleeding side;
This all my hope, and all my plea,
  For me the Saviour died!

My dying Saviour, and my God,
  Fountain for guilt and sin,
Sprinkle me ever in Thy blood,
  And cleanse, and keep me clean.

Wash me, and make me thus Thine own,
  Wash me, and mine Thou art,
Wash me, but not my feet alone,
  My hands, my head, my heart.

The atonement of Thy blood apply,
  Till faith to sight improve,
Till hope shall in fruition die,
  And all my soul be love.

1740 Charles Wesley 1707-88

Tunes [CM 8686]:
I do believe (English melody)
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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