Mi a ddyrchafaf fore gân

(Cân Foreuol)
Mi a ddyrchafaf fore gân,
  Am ofal glân ragluniaeth;
Am glywed sain efengyl râd,
  Yn hawddgar wlâd Crist'nogaeth.

Fy nyled fawr, beunyddiol yw
  Clodfori Duw bendigaid;
Mae'n agor dealltwriaeth gwàn,
  Rhoi grâs i ran yr enaid.

Efe sy'n cynnal nêf a llawr,
  A'r rhodau mawr sy'n rhedeg;
I fesur dydd a nôs, fy nhaith,
  Gwna'r Unduw waith cywreindeg.

Yr hwn sy'n derbyn uwch y sêr
  Gan filoedd fwynber foliant,
A dderbyn ef mewn unrhyw fân
  Gan blentyn gwàn ogoniant?

Mae'r unig ddoeth, anfeidrol Fôd
  Yn derbyn clôd angylion;
Cyd-uned hefyd i'w fawrhâu
  Ganiadau, doniau dynion.
Corph y Gaingc 1810

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Morning Song)
I will raise a morning song,
  About the care of holy providence;
About hearing the sound of the free gospel,
  In the beautiful land of Christendom.

My great duty, is daily
  To praise blessed God;
He is opening the understanding of a weak one,
  Giving grace for the portion of the soul.

He it is who upholds heaven and earth,
  And the great orbits which are running;
To measure day and night, my journey,
  The one God does an intricate work.

He who is receiving above the stars
  From thousands sweetly-sounding praise,
And will he receive, in any place
  From weak children, glory?

The only wise, immeasurable Being is
  Receiving the acclaim of angels;
To magnify him, may songs,
  The gifts of men, also unite.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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