Mi a grwydrwn draw i'r dwyrain

(Crist yn Brophwyd ac Arweinydd ei bobl)
Mi a grwydrwn draw i'r dwyrain,
  Mi a grwydrwn draw i'r de,
Oni bai'r golofn dân sy'n arwain
  Llewyrch hyfryd
      pur y ne';
    Ef biau'r clod, am erioed
  Iddo gyfarwyddo'm troed.

Dyma brofedigaeth heddyw,
  Dacw brofedigaeth ddoe,
Fuasai yn fy llithro'n fuan,
  Oni buasai ofal E';
    Mae ei ddawn, dystaw iawn,
  Yn fy nghadw foreu a nawn.

Weithiau fe ddyd ei ragluniaeth,
  Weithiau dyd ei hyfryd ras,
I fy ngwarchod a fy nghadw
  Rhag fy chwantau ffiaidd cas:
    Boed fy nghân iddo'n lân,
  Pan êl daear fawr ar dân.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 8787337]

gwelir: Iesu nid oes ond dy allu

(Christ as Prophet and Guide of his people)
I would wander yonder to the East,
  I would wander yonder to the South,
Unless the pillar of fire which leads
  With the pure, delightful
      gleam of heaven;
    To him belongs the praise, for always
  Having directed my foot.

Here is testing today,
  There testing yesterday,
My foot would soon slip,
  If it were not for His care;
    His gift is, very quietly,
  Keeping me morning and evening.

Sometimes he gives his providence,
  Sometimes gives his delightful grace,
To guard me and keep me
  From my detestable, hated lusts:
    May my song to him be pure,
  When the great earth goes on fire.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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