Mi âf ymlaen o nerth i nerth
Mi af yn mlaen o nerth i nerth

1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,2,6,7.
("Ymaflwyd ynof gan Grist Iesu")
(Yr afael sicraf fry - Rhan II)
Mi âf ymlaen o nerth i nerth
  Er maint
      y rhwystrau sy;
Crist yw Preswylydd mawr y berth -
  Mae'r afael sicraf fry!

Rhagluniaeth fawr y nef, o'm plaid
  Ei holl olwynion try;
Agorai'r mor, pe byddai raid -
  Mae'r afael sicraf fry!

Angylion i'm gwasnaethu caf,
  I'm cymorth dônt yn llu;
Mewn cyfyngderau canu wnaf -
  Mae'r afael sicraf fry!

Yr wy'n ffieiddio pechod cas
  Wrth garu 'Mhrynwr Cu;
Ond ni hyderaf
    ar fy ngras -
  Mae'r afael sicraf fry!

Fy Nhad a'm harwain, er pob drwg,
  I mewn i'w nefol dŷ
O law fy Mhriod
    pwy a'm dwg?
  Mae'r afael sicraf fry!

Caf floeddio concwest yn y man,
  Pob gelyn draw a ffy;
Cans er nad ydwyf fi ond gwan,
   Mae'r afael sicraf fry!

Fy Iesu'n iach a'm dwg i'r lan
  O'r hen Iorddonen ddu;
Byth, byth, caf sefyll yn fy rhan -
  Mae'r afael sicraf fry!
Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Abergele (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Abridge (Isaac Smith 1735-1800)
Engedi (o Beethoven)
Milwaukee (Daniel Protheroe 1866-1934)
Philippi (Samuel Wesley 1766-1837)
St Anne (William Croft 1677-1727)
St Saviour (F G Baker 1839-1919)

Gwelir: Rhan I - Dywedwyd ganwaith na chawn fyw

("I was seized by Christ Jesus")
(The grasp most secure above - Part 2)
I will go forward from strength to strength
  Despite the the extent
      of the obstacles there are;
Christ is the great Resident of the bush -
  The grasp is most secure above!

The great providence of heaven, on my side
  All his wheels turn;
He would open the sea, if there was need -
  The grasp is most secure above!

Angels to serve me I may have,
  To help me they will come as a host;
In straits I will sing -
  The grasp is most secure above!

I detest hated sin
  While loving my dear Redeemer;
But I will not have
    confidence in my grace -
  The grasp is most secure above!

My Father will lead me, despite every evil,
  Into his heavenly house;
From the hand of my Spouse
    who shall steal me?
  The grasp is most secure above!

I may get the shouting of conquest soon,
  Every enemy yonder shall flee;
Since although I am weak,
  The grasp is most secure above!

My Jesus shall take me up whole
  From the old, black Jordan;
Forever, ever, I shall stand for my part -
  The grasp is most secure above!
tr. 2011,15 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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