Mi debygaf clywaf heddiw

(Gorfoledd Nef a Daear)
Mi debygaf clywaf heddiw
  Swn caniadau draw o bell,
Torf yn moli am waredigaeth,
  Ac am ryddid llawer gwell;
Gynau gwynion yw eu gwisgoedd,
  Palmwydd hyfryd yn eu llaw,
A hwy ant gyda gogoniant
  Mewn i'r bywyd maes o law.

Minnau bellach orfoleddaf
  Fod y Jiwbil fawr yn dod,
A chyflawnir pob sillafyn
  A lefarodd Iesu erioed;
De a gogledd yn fyrddiynau,
  Ddaw o eithaf
      tywyll fyd,
Gyda dawns ac utgyrn arian,
  Mewn i Salem bur ynghyd.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787D]:
Edinburgh (alaw Gymreig)
Gobaith / Hope (R Davies 1814-67)
Moriah (Martin Madan 1725-90)
Nercwys (hen alaw)
Powys (<1875)

  Marchog Iesu yn llwyddiannus
  Mewn anialwch 'rwyf yn trigo

(The Jubilation of Heaven and Earth)
Most likely I will hear today
  A sound of songs from afar,
A multitude praising for deliverance,
  And for freedom much better;
White robes are their garments,
  Lovely palm-branches in their hand,
And they will go together with glory,
  Into life soon.

I too henceforth will be jubilant
  That the great Jubilee is coming,
And every syllable is to be fulfilled
  Which Jesus ever spoke;
South and north in myriads
  Come from the extreme
      darkness of the world,
With dance and silver trumpets,
  Into pure Salem together.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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