Mi dreuliaf weddill dyddiau f'oes

Mi dreuliaf weddill dyddiau f'oes,
  Fel rhyw ddyeithr-ddyn,
F'ai'n trigo mewn rhyw anial dir,
  Yn mhell o'i wlad ei hun.

Ar fin y dw'r 'rwy'n edrych ar
  Gyffiniau'r ardal well,
Gan ddysgwyl galwad i fyn'd draw
  O swn y byd yn mhell.

Pan af trwy'r bedd i'r bydoedd draw,
  Pwy gyfaill wrthyf lŷn?
'Does brawd, na chwaer,
    na chyfaill ddaw,
  Na neb ond Crist ei hun.
Gyffiniau'r ardal well :: Gyffiniau gwlad sydd well

Casgliad Samuel Roberts 1841

Tôn [MC 8686]: Burford (Salmydd Chetham 1718)

(A stranger)
I will spend the rest of the days of my age,
  Like some stranger,
Who would be dwelling in some desert land,
  Far from his own land.

On the edge of the water I am looking on
  The borders of a better region,
While expecting a call up yonder
  Far from the sound of the world.

When I go through the grave to yonder worlds,
  Which friend will stick with me?
There is no brother, or sister,
    or friend shall come,
  Or anyone but Christ himself.
The borders of a better region :: The borders of a land which is better

tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

I'll spend my few remaining days,
  While here ordained to roam,
As exiles do in distant lands,
  I'll think of nought but home.

Wistful upon the strand I gaze
  Toward heaven, my country's shore,
Expecting hence ere long to sail,
  And sin and weep no more.

When I depart for other worlds,
  What friend will cleave to me?
None, none,
    how well soe'er beloved -
  Dear Jesus, none but Thee.

Joseph Morris (Favourite Welsh Hymns 1854)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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