Mi ganaf tra b(')o anadl
Mi ganaf tra f(')o ana(d)l

(Haeddiant mawr yr Aberth)
1,2,3,4,5;  1,2,(6).
Mi ganaf tra fo anadl
  O fewn i'r ffroenau hyn,
Am gariad yn dioddef
  Ar ben Calfaria fryn;
Am goron ddrain blethedig,
  Am hoelion garwa'u rhyw -
I gannu f'enaid euog
  Fel eira gwynna'i liw.

Fe rwygwyd muriau cedyrn,
  Fe dorrwyd dorau pres,
Oedd rhyngom ni a'r bywydd
  Mae'r bywyd heddiw'n nes;
Palmantwyd yr holl lwybrau,
  Mae'r pyrth o led y pen,
O ddyfnder dinas distryw
  I eitha'r nefoedd wen.

Mae'r gelynion oll mewn ofn,
  Ac ofn iddynt sy';
Cwymp arnynt ryw ddiwrnod
  Ddigofaint nefoedd fry:
Mae'n Iesu mawr yn dyfod
  O Edom yn ei waed,
Fe syrth ei holl elynion
  Fel Dagon dan ei draed.

Wel, de'wch y'm1aen yn ëofn,
  Mae'r Brenin gyda ni;
Mawr yw ei nerth a'i allu,
  Aneirif yw ei lu:
Rhai ffyddlon etholedig,
  Megis seraphiaid nef,
A gollant waed eu calon
  O's achos drosto ef.

Fydd neb yn llesg neu'n egwan
  'Mhlith ei finteoedd maith,
Ond cadarn megis Dafydd,
  Gwna'r llesgaf un, a'r llaith:
Ni saif o'n blaen ni elyn
  Er ymladd tra fo'm byw;
'Does arfyn
    fyth a lwydda
  Yn erbyn Sïon Duw.

Fe bery trugareddau'r
  Cyfamod gwerthfawr drud,
Pan ddarfo'r greadigaeth
  Ddiderfyn oll i gyd;
Ni bydd ond dechrau gweled
  Daioni mawr y ne'
Pan gollo haul a lleuad
  A'r holl blanedau'u lle.

         - - - - -
(Anadlu clod)
Mi ganaf tra b'o anadl
  O fewn y ffroenau hyn,
Am gariad Iesu'n dyoddef
  Ar ben Calfaria fryn;
Am goron ddrain blethedig
  A'r hoelion garwa'u rhyw;
A'r gwaed a gàna'r euog
  Fel eira'n wyn ei liw.

Y clod, y nerth, a'r enw,
  Y mawl, y parch, a'r bri,
I'r Drindod f'o mewn Undod,
  A'r Undod pur yn Dri:
Sain mawl ehedo allan,
  Mawl am ei gariad ef,
Drwy ëang anfesurol
  Derfynau dae'r a nef.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7676D]:
Aurelia (Samuel S Wesley 1810-76)
Cwmgiedd (Dan Protheroe 1866-1934)
  Fairfax (<1825)
Heol y Bont (<1825)
Judgment Day (<1825)
Meirionydd (William Lloyd 1786-1852)
  North Wales (<1825)
Penmachno (<1835)
Rhyddid (alaw Gymreig)

  Angylion doent yn gysson
  Mae'r ffynnon yn agored
  Ni fuasai gennyf obaith
  Pa le dechreuaf ganu?
  Y clôd y nerth a'r enw

(The great merit of the Sacrifice)
I will sing while there is breath
  Within these nostril,
About love suffering
  On top of Calvary hill;
About a crown of plaited thorns,
  About nails of a rough kind -
To bleach my guilty soul
  Like snow of the whitest colour.

He ruptured secure walls,
  He broke brass doors,
Which were between us and the life
  The life today is near;
All the paths were paved,
  The portals are wide open,
From the depth of the city of destruction
  To the extremity of the bright heavens.

The enemies are all in fear,
  And there is fear of them;
There will fall against them some day
  The wrath of heaven above:
Great Jesus is coming
  From Edom in his blood,
All his enemies shall fall
  Like Dagon under his feet.

See, come forward in fear,
  The King is with us;
Great is his strength and his power,
  Innumerable is his host:
Some faithful elect,
  Like the seraphim of heaven,
Who will shed their heart's blood
  If there is a cause for him.

None shall be feeble or weak
  Amongst his vast cohorts,
But strong like David,
  He will make the weakest,
      and the timid:
No enemy shall stand before him
  Despite fighting while ever they live;
There is no weapon
    that shall ever succeed
  Against the Zion of God.

Endure shall the mercies of the
  Precious, costly covenant,
When all the endless creation
  Vanishes altogether;
It shall be only the beginning of seeing
  The great goodness of heaven
When the sun and moon and all
  The planets lose their place.

                - - - - -
(Breathing praise)
I will sing while there is breath
  Within these nostrils,
About the love of Jesus suffering
  On the top of Calvary hill;
About a crown of plaited thorns
  And the nails of the roughest kind;
And the blood which bleaches the guilty
  Like snow white in colour.

The acclaim, the strength, and the name,
  The praise, the reverence, and the fame,
To the Trinity which is in Unity,
  And the pure Unity in Three:
The sound of praise flying out,
  Praise for his love,
Through wide, immeasurable
  Extents of earth and heaven.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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