Mi garwn fod yn angel

I'd love to be an angel

Mi garwn fod yn angel
  O fewn y nefoedd wen,
A thelyn yn y nwylaw
  A choron ar fy mhen,
A bod yn hardd a disglair
  Yng ngwydd-fod Iesu gwiw,
A chanu gyda'r engyl
  I'w foli Ef, fy Nuw.

Nid wyf ond gwael bechadur,
  Ond gwn y maddeu Ef;
Mae llawer o blant bychain
  Yr awrhon yn y nef:
Pan fyddwy'n mynd i farw,
  O Geidwd, cofia fi;
Ac anfon angel disglair
  I'm dwyn i'r nefoedd fry.

efel. Thomas Levi 1825-1916

Tôn [7676D]: Mi garwn fod yn Angel (Rhys Thomas)

I would love to be an angel
  Within bright heaven,
With a harp in my hands
  And a crown on my head,
And be beautiful and shining
  In the presence of worthy Jesus,
An sing with the angels
  To praise Him, my God.

I am only a base sinner,
  But I know He forgives;
There are many little children
  Now in heaven:
When I am going to die,
  O Saviour, remember me;
And send a shining angel
  To lead me to the heavens above.

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

I'd love to be an angel
  And with the angels stand, -
A crown ypon my forehead,
  A harp within my hand!
And there, before my Saviour,
  So glorious and so bright,
I'd strike the sweetest music,
  And praise him day and night.

I know I'm weak and sinful;
  But Jesus will forgive;
For many ransomed sinners
  Have gone to heaven to live.
Dear Saviour, when I languish,
  And lay me down to die,
Oh, send a shining angel,
  To bear me to the sky!
I'd love to be :: I want to be

Miss Sidney P Gill

  Child's Wish (J R Hamlin)
  I Want to Be an Angel (William Hauser)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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