Mi gefais Gyfaill ffyddlon iawn, P'odd byddaf mwy yn dlawd? Sef cyfaill yn y storom fawr, Pan fetho chwaer a brawd. Gwnaeth adyn oedd garcharwr blin A gwaed ei groes yn rhydd; Mi lechaf dan ei gysgod ef Yn llon mewn tanllyd ddydd. Yn iach, fy hen gariadau gyd, O'r dwymin faith i'r de; Ni feddaf gār na chyfaill chwaith Yn ffyddlon fel efe. Mae'n medru cydymdeimlo'n lān A gwaelaf lwch y lawr, A charu heb gyfnewid dim I dragwyddoldeb mawr.Casgliad Joseph Harris 1845
Tonau [MC 8686]: |
I had a very faithful Friend, How could I be poor any more? That is, a friend in the great storm, When sister and brother fail. He made a wretch who was a weary prisoner, With the blood of his cross, free. I will lurk under his shadow Cheerfully in a fiery day. Safe, all my old lovers, From the vast heat to the south; I will not possess a love or friend either As faithful as he. He is able to sympathize totally With the basest dust of the ground, And love without changing at all For a great eternity.tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion |