Mi glywaf dyner lais
Mi glywa'th dyner lais

(Iesu'n Gwahodd)
Mi glywaf dyner lais
  Yn galw arnaf fi
I ddod a golchi 'meiau i gyd
  Yn afon Calfari.

    Arglwydd, dyma fi
      Ar dy alwad di,
    Canna f'enaid yn y gwaed
      A gaed ar Galfari.

Yr Iesu sy'n fy ngwadd
  I dderbyn gyda'i saint
Ffydd, gobaith, cariad pur a hedd
  A phob rhyw nefol fraint.

Yr Iesu sy'n cryfhau
  O'm mewn ei waith drwy ras;
Mae'n rhoddi nerth i'm henaid gwan
  I faeddu 'mhechod cas.

Tystiolaeth gadarn sydd
  I'r galon ffyddon, bur,
Caiff pob rhyw air ddadleua ffydd
  Ei lwyr gyflawni'n wir.

Gogoniant byth am drefn
  Y cymod a'r glanhad;
Derbyniaf Iesu fel yr wyf
  A chanaf am y gwaed.
glywaf dyner :: glywa'th dyner
Canna f'enaid :: Golch fi'n burlan

cyf. John Roberts (Ieuan Gwyllt) 1822-77

Garnlwyd (R Arthur Evans 1900-18)
Gwahoddiad / Welcome Voice
    (Lewis Hartsough 1828-1919)
Sarah (William Arnold 1768-1832)

(Jesus Invites)
I hear a gentle voice
  Calling to me
To come and wash all my faults
  In the river of Calvary.

    Lord, here I am
      At thy call,
    Bleach my soul in the blood
      Which flowed on Calvary.

It is Jesus who invites me
  To receive with his saints
Faith, hope, pure love and peace
  And every heavenly privilege.

It is Jesus who strengthens
  Me in his work through grace;
He gives strength to my weak soul
  To beat my hateful sins.

A strong witness there is
  To the pure, faithful heart,
Every kind of word which argues faith may get
  Completely fulfilled truly.

Glory ever for ordering
  The reconciliation and the expurgation;
I will receive Jesus as I am
  And sing about the blood.
I hear a gentle :: I hear thy gentle
Bleach my soul :: Wash me clean

tr. 2011,14 Richard B Gillion

I hear Thy welcome voice
  That calls me, Lord, to Thee,
For cleansing in Thy precious blood
  That flowed on Calvary.

    I am coming Lord!
      Coming now to Thee!
    Wash me, cleanse me in the blood
      That flowed on Calvary!

Though coming weak and vile,
  Thou dost my strength assure;
Thou dost my vileness fully cleanse,
  Till spotless all, and pure.

'Tis Jesus calls me on
  To perfect faith and love,
To perfect hope and peace and trust,
  For earth and Heav'n above.

'Tis Jesus Who confirms
  The blessèd work within,
By adding grace to welcomed grace,
  Where reigned the power of sin.

And He the witness gives
  To loyal hearts and free
That every promise is fulfilled,
  If faith but brings the plea.

All hail! atoning blood!
  All hail! redeeming grace!
All hail! the gift of Christ our Lord,
  Our Strength and Righteousness.

1872 Lewis Hartsough 1828-1919

Gwahoddiad / Welcome Voice
    (Lewis Hartsough 1828-1919)
Sarah (William Arnold 1768-1832)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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