Mi lynaf wrth yr Iesu

(Duw yn Agwedd Gwas)
Mi lynaf wrth yr Iesu,
  Clodforaf byth Ei ras;
Pwy all'sai fy ngwaredu
  Ond Duw yn agwedd gwas?
Pam y meddyliodd calon
  Etifedd dwyfol fri
Am gael y ôl i'w goron
  Bentewyn fel myfi?

Anturiodd drwy waradwydd,
  Er cymaint oedd y draul,
I ddynfder fy euogrwydd,
  Lle na thywynnodd haul;
Daeth allan i oleuni
  Yn nef yr ochr draw,
A'm henaid o'i drueni
  Yn ddiogel yn Ei law.

Bendigaid fo Ei enw
  Am beidio troi yn ôl;
A gadael imi farw
  Yn wrthryfelwr ffol;
Ei lwybrau a ddilynaf,
  A'i gariad fydd fy llef;
Ni derfydd byth am danaf
  Os caf Ei gwmni Ef.
Evan Rees (Dyfed) 1850-1923

[Mesur: 7676D]

(God in the Aspect of a Servant)
I will stick to Jesus,
  I will praise forever His grace;
Who could deliver me
  But God in the aspect of a servant?
Why did the heart of the heir
  Of divine honour think
Of getting back for his crown
  A firebrand like me?

He ventured through scorn,
  Although so great was the cost,
To the depth of my guilt,
  Where the sun did not shine;
He came out into the light
  Of heaven on the other side,
With my soul from its wretchedness
  Safe in His hand.

Blessed be His name
  For refusing to turn back;
And letting me die
  As a foolish rebel;
His paths I shall follow,
  And his love shall be my cry;
There is never any end for me
  If I get His company.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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