Mi welaf fyrdd dan sêl
Mi wela fyrdd dan sêl

(Pen y daith)
Mi welaf fyrdd dan sêl,
  Fu'n ofni fel fy hun,
Oll wedi dringo'r creigiau serth
  I gyd trwy nerth yr un,
Yn canu'r ochr draw, 
  Heb arnynt fraw na phoen,
Ganiadau hyfryd Calfari 
  Dyoddefaint addfwyn Oen.

'Rwy' yn terfynu 'nghred,
  'Nol pwyso oll yn nghyd,
Mai cyfnewidiol ydyw dyn,
  Ond Duw sy'r un o hyd; 
Ar ei addewid Ef
  Sy'n noddfa gref i'r gwan,
Mi greda do'i 'mhen gronyn bach
  O'r tonau'n iach i'r làn.

Cyflawnir gair fy Nuw,
  A doed hi fel y del,
Can's holl amcanion nefoedd fry
  Bob sillaf sy' dan sel;
Ac ar ei air a'i nerth
  A dwyfol werth ei waed
Mi af trwy bob gelynion hy'
  I mewn i dŷ fy Nhad.
'Rwy' :: 'Rwyf

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
Amana (John H Roberts 1848-1924)
Iona (alaw Gymreig)
Old 25 (Anglo-Genevan Psalter 1558)
Pererin (alaw Gymreig)

  Fe enillodd Iesu'r dydd
  Mi gana' am waed yr Oen
  'Rwy(f) yn terfynu 'nghred
  'Rwy'n ofni'm nerth yn ddim
  Wel f'enaid dos y'mlaen

(Journeys's End)
I see a myriad sealed,
  Who feared like myself,
All having climbed the steep rocks
  All through the strength of the one,
Singing on the far side,
  Without fear or pain,
The lovely songs of Calvary
  Of the suffering of the gentle Lamb.

I am ending my belief,
  After weighing all together,
That man is changeable,
  But God is still the same;
On His promise
  Which is a strong refuge to the weak,
I believe I will come after a little while
  From the waves safely to the shore.

To be fulfilled is the word of my God,
  And let it come as it may come,
Like all the purposes of heaven above
  Every syllable which is sealed;
And on his word and his strength
  And the divine worth of his blood
I will go through every proud enemy
  Into my Father's house.

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

(The Saved)
I see a myriad saved,
  Who once were faint as I;
Now they have climbed
    the rocky steeps,
  And reign with Christ on high.
They sing on yonder side,
  From doubt and sorrow free,
The praises of the bleeding Lamb,
  The song of Calvary.
1854 Joseph Morris

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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