Mi wela(f) dyrfa draw o'm blaen

1,(2),3,4,6,7;  1,2,3,4,6,5,7;  1,2,3,5;  1,2,3,6.
(Y Nefoedd)
Mi welaf dyrfa draw o'm blaen, 
  Yn canu ar ben eu taith,
Ac wedi gorphen
    d'rysu 'rhyd
  Yr anial garw maith.

'Nol cyfeiliorni ar y dde',
  Ac ar yr aswy law,
Heb un cyfeiliorn maent hwy'n awr,
  Yn canu'n beraidd draw.

Fe ddarfu eu rhyfel er ei rym,
  Fe ddarfu eu poen a'u gwae;
Ac maent yn yfed heddyw o'r wledd,
  Dragwyddol sy'n parhau.

'D ä un o'r nwydau i mewn i'r nef
  A'u blinodd yn y byd;
Tragwyddol gariad fel y môr
  Sy'n llanw yno i gyd.

Mae dyfais parch,
    mae dyfais clod, 
  Mae dyfais myn'd yn fwy,
A phob rhyw awydd wedi ffoi
  Yn lân o'u cwmp'ni hwy.

Pob parch a haeddiant, grâs a dawn,
  Pob enw oll o ddyn,
Sydd yno'n hollol suddo i lawr
  Yn Iesu mawr Ei Hun.

Mae Iesu Ei Hun yn awr yn fwy
  Na'r cwbl îs y nef;
A'u holl ddifyrwch byth a byth
  Yw edrych arno Ef.
welaf :: wela'

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Abergele (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Belmont (William Gardiner 1769-1853)
Brooklyn (W H Havergal 1793-1870)
Darmstadt (Krieger)
Farrant (R Farrant c.1530-80)
Hiraethlyn (Owen Williams 1877-1956)
Hiraethog (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)

(The Heavens)
I see a multitude yonder ahead of me,
  Singing at the end of their journey,
And having finished being
    perplexed all along
  The vast rough desert.

After straying to the right,
  And to the left hand,
With not one straying are they now,
  Singing sweetly yonder.

Their war is over despite its force,
  Over is their pain and their woe;
And they are drinking today from the feast,
  Which endures eternally.

There is a device of esteem,
    there is a device of praise,
  There is a device of increasing,
And every kind of desire having fled
  Completely from their company.

Not one of the lusts shall go into heaven
  Which grieved them in the world;
Eternal love like the sea
  Is flooding there altogether.

All esteem and merit, grace and gift,
  Every name of man,
Is there completly sinking down
  In great Jesus Himself.

Jesus Himself now is greater
  Than the whole under heaven;
And all their enjoyment forever and ever
  Is to look upon Him.

tr. 2011,15 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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