Mi welaf gyr(r)au'r hyfryd wlad

Mi welaf gyrrau'r hyfryd wlad,
  Trwy darth a niwl y glyn;
A Haul Cyfiawnder
    yn ei nerth
  Yn twynnu ar bob bryn.

Mae afon bur o ddyfroedd byw,
  Fel grisial gloyw clir,
Yn dod o orsedd Duw a'r Oen,
  I ddwfwrhau ei thir.

Ac ar ei glannau fe dyf Pren
  Y Bywyd - dwyfol hardd!
Anfeidrol well na hwnnw oedd
  Yn tyfu yn Eden ardd.

[Ac ar ei glannau tyfa Pren
   Y Bywyd - dwyfol hardd!
 Ac ar ei ffrwythau bywiol cawn
   Oll wledda'n ddiwahardd.]

Ac ar ei ffrwythau nefol, pur,
  Y glwedda nef y nef
I ddragwyddoldeb, heb ddim trai -
  Mae digon arno Ef.

Yr Oen a laddwyd ydyw'r Haul,
  Ei ras yw'r afon fyw;
A Phren y Bywyd mawr ei rin,
  Efe ei Hunan yw!

Pob melldith, mwyach, byth ni bydd,
  Na thrallod, gwae, na phoen;
Nac angeu chwaith ni ddaw i wlad
  Gorseddfaingc Duw a'r Oen.

Awn, awn dan ganu
    tua'r wladd -
  Awn, a meddiannwn hi;
Fe'i rhoddwyd mewn addewid rad,
  Mae'r ffordd yn rhydd i ni.
gyrrau :: gyrau
twynnu :: tw'nu
ei glannau fe dyf :: ei glannau hi tyf

William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Beatitudo (John B Dykes 1823-76)
Bedford (William Wheal 1696-1727)
Belmont (William Gardiner 1769-1853)
French (1615 The CL Psalmes of David)
St Angelus (<1875)
St Anne (William Croft 1677-1727)
Nottingham (J Clarke 1673-1707)

Tôn [MCD 8686D]: Yr Hyfryd Wlad
  (Thomas Griffiths, St Clair, Pa.)

I see the borders of the lovely land,
  Through the mist and fog of the vale; 
And the Sun of Righteousness
    in his strength
  Shining on every hill.

There is a pure river of living water,
  Like clear, radiant crystal,
Coming from the throne of God and the Lamb,
  To water the land.

And on its banks there grows the Tree
  Of Life - divine beauty!
Immeasurably better than that which was
  Growing in the garden of Eden.

[And on its banks there grows the Tree
  Of Life - divine beauty!
 And on its lively fruits we may all
   Get to feast without exclusion.]

And on its pure, heavenly fruits,
  The heaven of heaven feasts
To eternity, without any waning -
  There is sufficient on Him.

The Lamb who was slain is the Sun,
  His grace is the living river;
And the Tree of Life of great virtue
  Is He Himself!

Every curse, henceforth, forever shall not,
  Nor affliction, woe, nor distress;
Nor death either come to the land
  Of the Throne of God and the Lamb.

Let us go, go while singing
    towards the land -
  Let us go, and let us possess it;
It was given in a free promise,
  The road is open to us.

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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