Mi welaf le mewn marwol glwy'

(Rhinwedd Yr Iawn)
Mi welaf le mewn marwol glwy',
  I'r euog guddio 'i ben;
Ac yma llechaf nes myn'd trwy
  Bob aflwydd îs y nen.

Boed dyoddefiadau pur y groes
  Fel olew i'm hiachau;
Gruddfanau dyfnion angeu loes,
  I'm rhoddi i lawenhau.

Yr Iawn a dalwyd ar y groes
  Yw sylfaen f'enaid gwan;
Wrth bwyso arno ddydd a nos
  Rwy'n disgwyl dod i'r lan.
1: William Edwards 1773-1853
2: William Williams 1717-91
3: William Jones 1764-1822
priodolwyd hefyd i William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [MC 8686]: Abbey (Scottish Psalter 1635)

  Does neb ond ef fy Iesu hardd
  'Rwy'n morio tua chartre'm Nêr
  Yr Iawn a dalwyd ar y groes

(The Virtue of the Ransom)
I see a place in a mortal wound,
  For the guilty to cover his head;
And there I will hide until going through
  Every misfortune under the sky.

Let the pure sufferings of the cross be
  Like oil to heal me;
The deep groans of the throes of death,
  To set me rejoicing.

The Ransom which was paid on the cross
  Is the foundation of my weak soul;
While leaning on it day and night
  I am waiting to come up.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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