Mi welaf oleu wawr

("Ymaflwch yn fy nerth.")
  Mi welaf oleu wawr,
    Ar dywyll nos fy myd;
  Mae'r hen addewid fawr
    Yn dal yr un o hyd;
Ymlawenhaf, bererin gwyw,
Yn annherfynnol nerth fy Nuw.

  Fy llwybrau sydd yn llawn
    Gelynion o bob tu;
  A'r creigiau'n, uchel iawn,
    Uwchben y dyfnder du;
Mae bryniau uwch yn codi draw,
O! Dduw'r Addewid, moes Dy law.

  Bu'r Iesu o fy mlaen
    Yn dringo'r creigiau hyn;
  A lliwiodd lawer maen,
    A gwaed Ei fywyd gwyn;
Mi ddringaf innau 'tua'r nef,
Yng ngrym Ei fuddugoliaeth Ef.

  Ymaflaf yn Ei nerth
    Yn wyneb arfog fyd;
  Ac ar y rhiwiau serth,
    I fyny'r af o hyd;
Mewn annhawsterau fwy na rhi,
Mae nerth fy Nuw yn blaid i mi.
Evan Rees (Dyfed) 1850-1923

[Mesur: 666688]

("Wrestle in my strength.")
  I see the light of dawn,
    On the dark night of my world;
  The great old promise is
    Holding the same always;
I will rejoice, a wizened pilgrim,
In the boundless strength of my God.

  My paths are full
    Of enemies on every side;
  And the rocks, very high,
    Above the black deep;
The higher hills are rising yonder,
O God of the Promise, give Thy hand!

  Jesus was before me
    Climbing these rocks;
  And many a stone he coloured,
    With the blood of His blessed life;
I too shall climb towards heaven,
In the force of His victory.

  I shall wrestle in His strength
    In the face of an armed world;
  And on the steep hills,
    Up I shall go always;
In difficulties greater than number,
The strength of my God is on my side.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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