Mi ymddiriedais ynot Ner

1,2,3,4;  1,2,5,(6),7;  1,5,7.
Mi ymddiriedais ynot, NER,
  Fel na'm gw'radwydder bythoedd:
Daw, o'th gyfiawnder, gwared fi,
  A chlyw fy nghri hyd nefoedd.

Gogwydd dy glust ataf ar frys,
  O'th nefol lŷs i waered;
A bydd im' yn graig gadarn sîwr,
  Yn dŷ a thŵr i'm gwared.

Sef fy nghraig wyt, a'm castell cry',
  Wyf finnau hyf o'th fawredd;
Er mwyn dy enw tywys fi,
  Ac arwain i drugaredd.

A thyn fyfi o'r rhwyd i'r làn,
  A roisan' er fy maglu;
Can's fy holl nerth sydd ynot ti;
  Da galli fy ngwaredu.

Dodaf fy yspryd yn dy law,
  Ac âf gerllaw i orwedd;
Da y gwaredaist fi yn fyw,
  O Arglwydd Dduw'r gwirionedd.

Mi ymhyfrydaf ynot ti;
  Canfuost fi mewn amser,
Ac adnabuost wrth fy rhaid,
  Fy enaid mewn cyfyngder.

Cymmerwch gysur yn Nuw Ion,
  Ef a rydd galon ynoch;
Ac os gobeithiwch ynddo Ef,
  Ei law yn gref bydd drosoch.
Edmund Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Clynog (<1835)
Eidduned (John Richard Jones 1765-1822)
Mary (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Morganwg (<1869)

  Dodaf fy yspryd yn dy law
  Mi ymddiriedais ynod Ner (Salm 71)

Psalm 31
I have trusted in thee, Lord,
  So shall I never be ashamed:
Come, by thy righteousness, deliver me,
  And hear my cry up to the heavens.

Incline thy ear to me quickly,
  Right down from thy heavenly court;
And be to me a firm, sure rock,
  A house and a tower to deliver me.

For thou are my rock, and my strong castle,
  As for me, I am bold from thy greatness;
For thy name's sake lead me,
  And guide to mercy.

And pull me from the net to the shore,
  Which they set in order to ensnare me;
For my whole strength is in thee;
  Well canst thou deliver me.

I will put my spirit in thy hand,
  And I will go soon to rest;
Well thou didst deliver me alive,
  O Lord God of the truth.

I will delight myself in thee;
  Thou didst espy me in time,
And wast acquainted with my need,
  My soul in distress.

Take comfort in God the Lord,
  He will bestow a heart within you;
And if you hope in Him,
  His hand will strongly be over you.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion
 1 Defend me, Lord, from shame,
     for still I trust in thee;
   As just and righteous is thy Name,
     from danger set me free.

 2 Bow down thy gracious ear,
     and speedy succor send;
   Do thou my steadfast rock appear,
     to shelter and defend.

 3 Since thou, when foes oppress,
     my rock and fortress art,
   To guide me forth from this distress
     thy wonted help impart.

 4 Release me from the snare
     which they have closely laid,
   Since I, O God my strength, repair
     to thee alone for aid.

 5 To thee, the God of truth,
     my life, and all that's mine,
   (For thou preserv'dst me from my youth,)
     I willingly, resign.

 7 Those mercies thou hast shown
     I'll cheerfully express;
   For thou hast seen my straits, and known
     my soul in deep distress.

24 Ye that on God rely,
     courageously proceed:
   For he will still your hearts supply
     with strength in time of need.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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