Moliannaf enw'r Tad o'r nef

(Moli'r Tad)
Moliannaf enw'r
    Tad o'r nef
  Am waredigaeth ddrud,
A thosturiaethau fwy na mwy,
  Trwy haeddiant
      Prynwr byd.

Nac ofna, f'enaid, am a ddaw,
  Wrth deithio tua'r nef;
Ni ddigwydd niwed nac un cam
  I'r hwn sydd ynddo Ef.

Er cystal
    trugareddau'r Iôn,
  Fy Iesu mawr yw'r dawn
Sy'n cynnwys popeth ynddo'i Hun -
  Fy iechydwriaeth lawn.
J G Moelwyn Hughes (Moelwyn) 1866-1944

Tôn [MC 8686]: Isfryn (J T Rees 1857-1949)

(Praising the Father)
I will praise the name
    of the heavenly Father
  For costly deliverance,
And mercies more than more,
  Through the merit
      of the world's Redeemer.

Do not fear, my soul, about what will come,
  While travelling towards heaven;
No harm will happen, nor one hurt
  To the one who is in Him.

Despite the mercies
    of the Lord being so good,
  My great Jesus is the gift
Which includes everything in Himself -
  My full salvation.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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