Moliannwn ein Gwaredwr mawr, Â gorfoleddus lef, A choder ein serchiadau'n awr, Yn agos ato Ef. O'i ras fe'n carodd cyn ein bod, Gadawodd orsedd nef, I farw, fel y gallem ddod Yn agos ato Ef! Rhag maglau temtasiynau'r byd, A saethau uffern gref, Mae diogelwch llawn o hyd, Yn agos ato Ef. Er maint yr anhawsderau gawn Drwy'n gyrfa tua'r nef, Fe lwyr orchfygwn, os parhawn Yn agos ato Ef. Wrth deithio drwy gysgodau'r glyn, Yn sŵn yr afon gref, Mor felus fydd cael bod pryd hyn Yn agos ato Ef! A phan derfyna'n dyrys daith, O! fendigedig nef, Fydd treulio tragwyddoldeb maith Yn agos ato Ef! anhawsderau :: anhawsterau felus :: felys Robert M Jones (Meigant) 1851-99
Tonau [MC 8686]: |
Let us praise our great Deliverer, With a jubilant cry, And our affections are now to be lifted up, Near to Him. Of his grace he loved us before we existed, He left the throne of heaven, To die, so that we could come Near to Him! From the snares of the world's temptations, And the arrows of strong hell, There is full safety always, Near to Him. Despite the extent of the difficulties we may have Through our course towards heaven, We will utterly overcome, if we abide Near to Him. While travelling through the shadows of the glen, The sound of the strong river, How sweet it will be to get to be then Near to Him! And when the troublesome journey ends, Oh blessed heaven, It will be to spend a vast eternity Near to Him! :: :: tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion |