Molwch Dduw sy Frenin fry

(Salm 150 - Annogaeth i foli Duw)
Molwch Dduw, sy Frenin fry,
  A'i lygoedd ar y llawr:
Molwch Dduw y cariad cu,
  Gan ei gyhoeddi'n fawr:
Am ei holl weithredoedd mâd,
  A'i gadernid, molwch ef;
Am ei ddoniau rhyfedd rhad,
  Molianned dae'r a nef.

O! canmolwch dros y byd,
  Emmanuel a'i Ddawn;
A chyhoeddwch ef o hyd
  Yn Dduw y lluoedd llawn:
Molwch ef â thannau pèr,
  A nefolaidd gelfydd gân;
Gwnawn beroriaeth i Dduw Nêr,
  Peroriaeth calon lân.

Cenwch - "Ynddo yr ŷm yn byw,
  Yn symud, ac yn bod;"
Brenin a Gwaredwr yw,
  Rhowch iddo barch a chlod;
Boed ei enw yn sanctaidd byth,
  Ar y ddaear, yn y nef;
Moler Iesu
    tra bo chwyth,
  Molianned pobpeth Ef.
James Hughes (Iago Trichrug) 1779-1844

Tonau [7676.7776]:
    Amsterdam (<1835)
    Dartford (<1825)

(Psalm 150 - Encouragment to praise God)
Praise ye God, who is King above,
  With his eyes on the earth:
Praise ye the God of dear love,
  Publishing him greatly:
For all his famous works,
  And his firmness, praise ye him;
For his wonderful, gracious gifts,
  Let earth and heaven praise.

O! extol ye across the world,
  Emmanuel and his Gift;
And publish ye him always
  As the God of the full hosts:
Praise ye him with sweet strings,
  And a heavenly, poetic song;
Let us make sweet music to God the LORD,
  Sweet music of a pure heart.

Sing ye - "In him we are living,
  Moving, and being;"
A King and Deliverer is he,
  Render ye to him reverence and praise;
May his name be holy forever,
  On the earth, and in heaven;
Jesus is to be praised
    while there be breath,
  Let everyone praise Him.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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