Molwn di, O Arglwydd, Iôr hollalluog, Dengys bryniau oesol in dy gadernid mawr; yn dy ddawn i faddau, tyner a thrugarog, Codi o'r dyfnder wnei drueiniaid llawr. Gyfiawn, sanctaidd Arglwydd, ger bron dy burdeb, Gwylaidd yw y nefoedd yn ei sancteiddiaf fri; Golau claer dy wyneb loywa dragwyddoldeb, Mola'r holl nefoedd dy ogoniant di. Cofiwn, dirion Arglwydd, dy gydymdeimlad, Dyma hafan dawel rhag storm i eiddil gwan; Tyr ar draeth ein heisiau fôr dy ryfedd gariad, Dafnau daioni a eneinia'r lan. Tyrd, O Arglwydd grasol, tyrd i'n calonnau, Tyn o dannau'n bywyd glod i'th ryfeddol ddawn; Moliant pawb fo iti drwy'r holl genedlaethau, Uned i'th ganmol nef a daear lawn.Hugh Cernyw Williams (Cernyw) 1843-1937 Tôn []: Lilian (Tom Price 1857-1925) |
We praise thee, O Lord, eternal Master, The everlasting hills show us thy great firmness; In thy power to forgive, tender and merciful, Thou dost raise from the depths wretches below. Righteous, holy Lord, before thy purity, Reverent is heaven in its most holy esteem; The clear light of thy face brightens eternity, All of heaven praises thy glory. We remember, gentle Lord, thy sympathy, Here is a quiet haven from the storm for the fainting weak; On the beach of our need breaks the sea of thy wonderful love, Drops of goodness which anoint the shore. Come, O gracious Lord, come to our hearts, Draw from the chords of life praise to thy wonderful power; Let all praise be to thee throughout all generations, Join in thy praise-song let heaven and abundant 2009 Richard B Gillion |