Molwn di O Dduw ein tadau

Molwn di, O Dduw ein tadau,
  Uchel ŵyl o foliant yw;
Awn i mewn i'th byrth â diolch
  Ac offrymwn ebyrth byw;
Cofiwn waith dy ddwylo arnom
  A'th amddiffyn dros ein gwlad;
Tithau, o'th breswylfa sanctaidd,
  Gwêl a derbyn ein mawrhad.

Ti â chariad Tad a'n ceraist
  Yn yr oesoedd bore draw,
O dywyllwch i oleuni
  Fe'n tywysaist yn dy law;
Cawsom di ymhob cenhedlaeth
  Fel dy enw'n gadarn Iôr,
Cysgod gwell na'r bryniau uchel
  Ac na chedyrn donnau'r môr.

Cudd ni eto dan dy adain
  A bydd inni'n fur o dân,
Tywys di ein tywysogion
  Megis gynt â'th Ysbryd Glân;
Pâr i'n cenedl annwyl rodio
  Yn dy ofn o oes i oes
Gyda'i ffydd yng
    ngair y cymod,
  Gyda'i hymffrost yn y groes.
Eliseus Williams (Eifion Wyn) 1876-1926
Y Goleuad (Chwefror 1921)

Tonau [8787D]:
Blaenwern (W Penfro Rowlands 1860-1937)
Dussseldorf (F Mendelssohn / J Roberts)
Gwynfa (John Henry Roberts 1848-1924)
Hyfrydol (Rowland H Pritchard 1811-87)
Prysgol (William Owen 1813-93)
Vienna/Austria (F J Haydn 1732-1809)

We praise thee, O God of our fathers,
  Loud is the cry of praise;
We go inside thy gates with thanks
  And offer living sacrifices;
We remember the work of thy hands for us
  And thy defence across our land;
Thou, from thy holy residence,
  See and accept our exaltation.

Thou with a Father's love didst love us
  In the ages of the distant morning,
From darkness to light
  Thou didst lead us in thy hand;
We had thee in every generation
  Like thy name as a strong Lord,
A shelter better than the high hills
  And than the mighty waves of the sea.

Hide us still under thy wing
  And it will be to us as a wall of fire,
Lead thou our leaders
  Like wind with thy Holy Spirit;
Prepare our dear generation to walk
  In thy fear from age to age
With its faith in the
    word of reconciliation,
  With its boast in the cross.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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