Mor werthfawr yw y gair a ddaeth

(Ysbrydoliaeth y Gair)
Mor werthfawr yw y gair a ddaeth
  Trwy ysbrydoliaeth Duw!
Athrawiaeth hwn sy'n ddidwyll oll;
  Ein llusern ddigoll yw.

Ei broffwydoliaeth gu, heb goll,
  Sy'n gywir oll i gyd;
Tystiolaeth Iesu ger ein bron
  Yw ysbryd hon o hyd.

Holl addewidion Duw, a'i waith,
  Er oesoedd maith a fu,
Ac athrawiaethau mawrion gras,
  Sy'n addas yma i ni.

Y gair yw cysur seintiau cu,
  Tan groes yr Iesu gwiw,
Nes delont oll hyd ben eu taith,
  I'r gwynfyd maith i fyw.
addas yma i ni :: addas iawn i ni

- - - - -

Mor werthfawr yw y Gair a ddaeth
  Trwy ysbrydoliaeth Duw;
Athrawiaeth hwn sy'n ddidwyll oll;
  Ein llusern ddigoll yw.

Holl addewidion Duw, a'i waith
  Er oesoedd maith a fu,
Amlygir yma'n gywir iawn
  Am Iesu cyfiawn, cu.

Mae'r brophwydoliaeth gu, heb goll,
  Yn gywir oll i gyd;
Tystiolaeth Iesu ger ein bron
  Yw ysbryd hon o hyd.

Y Gair yw cysur seintiau cu
  Tan groes yr Iesu gwiw,
Nes delont oll i ben u taith,
  I'r gwynfyd maith i fyw.
Richard Jones 1771/2-1832/3

Tonau [MC 8686]:
    Bedford (William Wheale 1696-1727)
    St Stephen (William Jones 1726-1800)
    Tiverton (Jacob Grigg)

(The inspiration of the Word)
How valuable is the word which came
  Through the inspiration of God!
This teaching is all trustworthy;
  Our unfailing lantern it is.

Its dear prophecy, without fail,
  Is altogether true;
The testimony of Jesus before us
  Is this spirit still.

All the promises of God, and his work,
  Despite the long ages which have been,
And the great teachings of grace,
  Which are fitting now for us.

The word is a comfort to the dear saints,
  Under the cross of the worthy Jesus,
Until they all reach the end of their journey,
  To the vast blessed world to live.
fitting now for us :: very fitting for us

- - - - -

How valuable is the Word which came
  Through the inspiration of God;
This teaching is all trustworthy;
  Our unfailing lantern it is.

All the promises of God, and his work
  Despite the long ages which have been,
Making evident here very truly
  About dear, righteous Jesus.

The dear prophecy, without fail, is
  Altogether true;
The testimony of Jesus before us
  Is this spirit still.

The Word is a comfort to the dear saints
  Under the cross of the worthy Jesus,
Until they all reach the end of their journey,
  To the vast blessed world to live.
tr. 2009,14 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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