Mor anrhydeddus ydyw'r lle

How honourable is the place

(Diogelwch ac Amddiffynfa yr Eglwys)
Mor anrhydeddus ydyw'r lle,
'Rym yn addoli
    Brenin ne',
  Seion, gogoniant daear lawr,
  A thegwch tiroedd

Diffynfa o ras galluog Duw
Sy'n cadw'r ddinas 'r y'm yn byw;
  A muriau o iechydwriaeth cry
  Yn erbyn ymgyrch uffern ddu.

Agorwch byrth trag'wyddol hon,
A'i drysau rhowch ar lled o'u bron;
  Ac aed y genedl gyfiawn wiw
  I mewn, sy'n cadw deddfau Duw.

Cewch yma brofi nefol wledd,
Ac hefyd byw mewn perffaith hedd;
  Y rhai adwaenoch enw ein Duw,
  Sy'n credu i'w ras,
      ac iddo'n byw.

Gobeithiwch yn yr Arglwydd byth,
Ac ymaith rhowch bob ofnau chwith;
  Nerth yn Jehofah'r Arglwydd mae,
  Byth fel ei ddyddiau i barhau.

Er i'w elynion godi'n fawr,
Ei fraich a'u tyn hwynt oll i lawr;
  Mor isel ā 'stafellau'r bedd,
  Ca'nt blygu'u pennau
     er cuwch eu gwedd.

Ein traed ar Fabel sathru wnant,
A'r Saint bryd hyn a lawenhant;
  A bylchau'u muriau'n tannu fydd
  I wneuthur ffordd i'r tlawd yn rhydd.

- - - - -
(Amddiffynfa Sion)
Mor anrhydeddus ydyw'r lle,
'Ry'm ni'n addoli
    Brenin ne',
  Nerth gras yr
      hollalluog Dduw
  Sy'n cadw'r ddinas
      lle 'ry'm byw.

Agorwch byrth tragwyddol hon,
A'i drysau rho'wch ar led o'r bron;
  Ac aed y genedl gyfiawn wiw
  I mewn, sy'n cadw deddfau Duw.

Y rhai adwaenant enw Duw,
Sy'n ol ei air
    yn ufudd fyw,
  Gānt yma brofi
      nefol wledd,
  A thawel fyw mewn perffaith hedd.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(The Safety and Defence of the Church)
How honourable is the place,
Where we are worshipping
    the King of heaven,
  Zion, the glory of the earth below,
  And the fairness of the lands
      of Great Britain!

The defence of the grace of mighty God
Is preserving the city where we are living;
  With walls of strong salvation
  Against the assault of black hell.

Open ye the eternal portals of this,
And its doors set ye completely wide;
  And let the righteous, worthy nation go
  Inside, which is keeping the laws of God.

Ye may here taste a heavenly feast,
And also live in perfect peace;
  Ye who recgnise the name of our God,
  Who believe in his grace,
      and live unto him.

Hope ye in the Lord forever,
And put ye away all misplaced fears;
  Strength in Jehovah the Lord there is,
  Forever like his days to endure.

Although his enemies rise up greatly,
His arms will pull them all down;
  As low as the rooms of the grave,
  They will get to bow their heads despite
      the haughtness of their countenance.

Our feet on Babel shall trample,
And the saints at that time shall rejoice;
  And the gaps of their walls shall spread 
  To make way for the poor freely.

- - - - -
(The Defence of Zion)
How honourable is the place,
Where we are worshipping
    the King of heaven,
  The strength of the grace
      of the almighty God
  Is preserving the city
      where we are living.

Open ye the eternal portals of this,
And its doors set ye completely wide;
  And let the worthy, righteous nation go
  Inside, which is keeping the laws of God.

Those who recognise the name of God,
Who are according to his word
    obediently living,
  They shall get to taste
      a heavenly feast here,
  And quietly live in perfect peace.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
(The Safety and Defence of the Church)
How honourable is the place
  Where we
    adoring stand,
Zion the glory of the earth,
  And beauty
      of the land!

Bulwarks of mighty grace defend
  The city where we dwell,
The walls of strong salvation made,
  Defy th' assaults of hell.

Lift up the everlasting gates,
  The doors wide open fling,
Enter, ye nations, that obey
  The statutes of our King.

Here you shall taste unmingled joys,
  And live in perfect peace,
You that have known Jehovah's name,
  And ventur'd on
      his grace.

Trust in the Lord, for ever trust,
  And banish all your fears;
Strength in the Lord Jehovah dwells,
  Eternal as his years.

What tho' the rebels dwell on high,
  His arm shall bring them low,
Low' as the caverns of the grave
  Their lofty heads
      shall bow.

On Babylon our feet shall tread
  In that rejoicing hour,
The ruins of her walls shall spread
  A pavement for the poor.

- - - - -
(The Defence of Zion)
How honourable
    is the place
  Where we adoring
Zion the glory
    of the earth,
  And beauty of the land!

Lift up the everlasting gates,
  The doors wide open fling,
Enter, ye nations, that obey
  The statutes of our King.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707

Tune [CM 8686]: Irish (Hymns and Sacred Poems 1749)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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