Mor beraidd i'r credadun gwan

(How sweet the name of Jesus sounds)

1,2,3,4,5,6,7;  1,2,3,5,((6),7,8).
Mor beraidd i'r credadun gwan
  Yw hyfryd enw Crist:
Mae'n llaesu'i boen,
    yn gwella'i glwy',
  Yn lladd ei ofnau trist.

I'r ysbryd clwyfus rhydd iachâd,
  Hedd i'r drallodus fron;
Mae'n fanna i'r newynog ddyn,
  I'r blin, gorffwysfa lon.

Hoff enw! fy ymguddfa mwy,
  Fy nghraig a'm tarian yw;
Trysorfa ddiball yw o ras
  I mi y gwaela'n fyw.

'R wy'n arddeledig yn y nef,
  Fel plentyn, er Ei fwyn;
Er cyhuddiadau maith y ddraig,
  Gwrandewir ar fy nghwyn.

Iesu, fy Mhroffwyd i a'm Pen,
  F'Offeiriad mawr a'm Brawd,
Fy mywyd i, fy ffordd, fy nôd,
  Derbyn fy moliant tlawd.

[O Iesu! 'mhrophwyd a fy nheyrn,
   F'offeiriad a fy ngwawl,
 Fy ffordd, fy mywyd, a fy Nuw,
   O! derbyn Di fy mawl.]

Ymdrech fy nghalon sydd ry wan,
  A'i serch yn isel ro'dd;
Ond pan y'th welaf fel yr wyt,
  Mi'th folaf
      wrth dy fodd.

Hyd hyny hoffwn draethu'th ras
  A phob anadliad brau,
A boed pereidd-dra d'enw gwiw
  Yn angau i'm bywhau.

A phan y deui yr ail waith,
  Mewn mawredd, parch, a bri,
I farnu'r byw a'r meirw 'nghyd,
  O Dduw! na wrthod fi.
llaesu'i :: llaesu ei
Iesu, fy Mhroffwyd :: Fy Iesu, 'Mhrophyd, :: O Iesu! 'mhrophwyd
fy Mhroffwyd i a'm Pen :: fy Mhroffwyd a fy Mhen

cyf. David Charles 1803-80

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Abridge (Isaac Smith 1734-1805)
Belmont (William Gardiner 1769-1853)
Brooklyn (W H Havergal 1793-1870)
Downs (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Farrant (John Hilton -1608)
French (Salmydd Ysgotaidd 1615)
Tallis (Thomas Tallis c.1505-85)

Tonau [MCD 8686D]:
  Gabriel (trefn. J H Roberts)
  Northumberland (Henry Smart 1812-79)

How sweet to the weak believer
  Is the delightful name of Christ:
It relieves his pain,
    heals his wound,
  Kills his sad fears.

To the wounded spirit free wholeness,
  Peace to the troubled breast;
It is manna to the hungry man,
  To the weary, cheerful rest.

Dear name, my hiding place henceforth,
  My rock and my shield it is;
An unfailing treasury of grace it is
  To me the worst alive.

I am owned in heaven,
  As a child, for his sake;
Despite the dragon's vast accusations,
  My complaint is listened to.

Jesus, my Prophet and my Head,
  My great Priest and my Brother,
My life, my way, my aim,
  Accept my poor praise.

[O Jesus my prophet and my monarch,
   My priest and my light,
 My way, my life, and my God,
   Oh accept Thou my praise.]

The effort of my heart is too weak,
  And its affection was too low;
But I see thee as thou art,
  I will praise thee
      according to thy pleasure.

Until then I love expounding thy grace
  With every fragile breath,
And may the sweetness of thy worthy name
  In death enliven me.

And when thou comest the second time,
  In majesty, honour and renown,
To judge the living and the death together,
  O God, do not reject me!
Jesus, my Prophet :: My Jesus, my Prophet :: O Jesus, my prophet

tr. 2011,15 Richard B Gillion

How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
  In a believer’s ear!
It soothes his sorrows,
    heals his wounds,
  And drives away his fear.

It makes the wounded spirit whole,
  And calms the troubled breast;
'Tis manna to the hungry soul,
  And to the weary, rest.

Dear name, the rock on which I build,
  My shield and hiding place,
My never failing treasury, filled
  With boundless stores of grace!

By Thee my prayers acceptance gain,
  Although with sin defil'd;
Satan accuses me in vain,
  and I am own'd a child.

Jesus! my shepherd, husband, friend,
  O prophet, priest and king,
My Lord, my life, my way, my end,
  Accept the praise I bring.

[Jesus! my shepherd, husband, friend,
   My prophet, priest and king,
 My Lord, my life, my way, my end,
   Accept the praise I bring.]

Weak is the effort of my heart,
  And cold my warmest thought;
But when I see Thee as Thou art,
  I'll praise Thee
    as I ought.

Till then I would Thy love proclaim
  With every fleeting breath,
And may the music of Thy name
  Refresh my soul in death!


John Newton 1725-1807
Olney Hymns 1779

Tunes [CM 8686]:
    Heber (George Kingsley 1811-84)
    Ortonville (Thomas Hastings 1784-1872)
    St Peter (Alexander R Reinagle 1799-1877)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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