Mor dda a doeth yw arfaeth Duw

1,2,3,4,5,6,7a;  1,2,3,5,7b.
(Arfaeth Duw)
Mor dda a doeth yw arfaeth Duw,
  Anfeidrol yw ei dyfnder!
A pha greadur a iawn gred
  Ei hyd, a'i
      lled, a'i huchder!

Er tra'wyddoldeb, pan nad oedd
  Neb o weithredoedd natur,
I Dduw presennol oed pob peth
  Yn nrych ei arfaeth gywir.

'R oedd arfaeth Duw yn gweled dyn
  Cyn gwneuthur un creadur;
Yn gynta'n lān a gwych ei lun,
  A chwedi'n yn bechadur.

Darluniodd hi'r greadigaeth hardd,
  A'r hyn a dardd o honi;
A throell fawr rhagluniaeth faith
  A wnaed yn berffaith ganddi.

Golygodd arfaeth gwbl waith
  Holl iechydwriaeth enaid,
A'r amryw amgylchiadau sydd
  Yn perthyn i'r ffyddloniaid.

Arfaethodd Duw i ddyodde'r drwg,
  Sy'n peri
      gŵg y Mawredd;
Ond nid yw'r bai
    ar arfaeth bur,
  Ond ar bechadur ffiaidd.

Dymunem iawn ddefnyddio'th faith,
  A'th ddirgel arfaeth, Arglwydd,
Gan adael pob direglaidd beth
  Dan glo'th ragluniaeth beunydd.

[Dymunem iawn ddefnyddio byth,
   Dy arfaeth ddilyth, Arglwydd;
 Gan adael pob dirgelaidd beth,
   Tan glo rhagluniaeth beunydd.]
Golygodd arfaeth gwbl waith / :: Yr arfaeth hon golygu wnaeth /

Benjamin Francis 1734-99

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(The Purpose of God)
How good and wise is the purpose of God,
  Immeasurable is its depth!
And what creature will truly believe
  Its length, and its
      breadth and its height!

Since eternity, when there was
  No-one from the actions of nature,
Present to God was every thing
  As a object of his true purpose.

The purpose of God was seeing man
  Before making any creature;
First holy and of a brilliant design,
  And then as a sinner.

It read the beautiful creation,
  And that which issued from this;
And the great wheel of extensive providence
  Which was make perfect by it.

A purpose oversaw the whole work
  Of the whole salvation of a soul,
And the various circumstances which are
  Belonging to the faithful.

God purposed to suffer the evil,
  Which is causing the
      frown of the Majesty;
But it is not the fault
    of the pure purpose,
  But of the detestable sinner.

We very much wish to use thy extensive,
  And thy secret purpose, Lord,
While leaving every secret thing
  Under the lock of thy daily providence.

[We very much wish to use forever,
   Thy unfailing purpose, Lord;
 While leaving every secret thing
   Under the lock of daily providence.]
A purpose oversaw the whole work / Of the :: This purpose did oversee / The

tr. 2016,18 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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