Mor ddedwydd ydyw teulu Duw

(How happy are the little flock)

(Pob peth yn cydwethio er daioni)
Mor ddedwydd ydyw teulu Duw,
Y rhai yn holltau'r Graig sy'n byw,
  Yn holl derfysgoedd byd!
Pan byddo rhyfel blin gerbron,
Maent hwy yn nhawel gysgod hon,
  Yn mynwes Iesu'n glyd.

Y fath ddedwyddwch sydd i ni,
Y rhai a gasglwyd genyt ti
  Cyn d'od y gawod flin!
A thra mae'r cwmwl tywyll fry
Y d'weyd, "Nesâu mae diwrnod dû,"
  Ein calon sy'n ddigryn.

Canfyddwn hyn â
    llawen wedd:
Cyhoedda rhyfel D'wysog hedd,
  A daeargryn, dy nerth.
Daw newyn dû â
    llawnder Duw,
Daw'r pla â
    meddyginiaeth wiw,
  A dyddiau mawr eu gwerth.

Pa drallod bynag wel y byd,
Mae'n wystl hedd
    i'r saint o hyd;
  Teyrnasa Crist, ein Ior:
Nid oeda'i gerbyd ddim yn hir,
Daw Iesu gwiw, 'r Messia gwir,
  Yn ben ar dir a môr.
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [886D]: Tadmor (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

(All things working together for good)
How happy is the family of God,
Those in the fissures of the living Rock,
  In all the tumults of the world!
Whenever the grievous war is nearby,
The are in this quiet shelter,
  Cosy in the bosom of Jesus.

Such happiness is for us,
Those who are gathered by thee
  Before the grievous shower should come!
And while there is dark cloud above
Saying, "Approaching is the black day,"
  Our hearts are unshaken.

Let us discern this with
    cheerful countenance:
War announces the Prince of peace
  And an earthquake, thy strength.
Black famine will come with
    the fullness of God,
The plague will come with
    suitable medicine,
  And days of great worth.

Whatever trouble the world should see,
It is a pledge of peace
    to the saints still;
  Christ, our Lord, will reign:
His chariot will not delay long,
Worthy Jesus will come, the true Messiah,
  As head over land and sea.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
How happy are the little flock,
Who, safe beneath their guardian Rock,
  In all commotions rest!
When war's and tumult's waves run high,
Removed above the storm they lie,
  They lodge in Jesus' breast.

Such happiness, O Lord, have we,
By mercy gathered into Thee,
  Before the floods descend:
And while the bursting clouds come down,
We mark the vengeful day begun,
  And calmly wait the end.

Thy tokens we with
    joy confess:
The war proclaims the Prince of Peace,
  The earthquake speaks Thy power,
The famine all Thy
    fullness brings,
The plague presents
    Thy healing wings,
  And nature's final hour.

Whatever ills the world befall,
A pledge of endless
    good we call,
  A sign of Jesus near;
His chariot will not long delay,
We hear the rumbling wheels, and pray,
  Triumphant Lord, appear!
Charles Wesley 1707-88
Hymns for the Year 1756.

Tune [886.886(6)]: Americus
    (1901 Charles H Gabriel 1856-1932)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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