Mor ddedwydd yw y dyrfa fawr

I see a world of spirits bright

(Gwynfyd y nef)
Mor ddedwydd yw y dyrfa fawr,
  Sydd yn y gwynfyd draw,
Mewn gynau gwynion fel y wawr, 
  A'u palmwydd yn eu llaw!

O ffrydiau'r afon
    yfant byth,
  Bwytânt o ffrwyth
      y pren:
A'u gwynfyd bery yn ddilyth,
  Tra pery'r nefoedd wen.
cyf. Llawlyfr Moliant 1890

Tôn [MC 8686]: St Stephen (William Jones 1726-1800)

(The bliss of heaven)
How happy is the great throng,
  Which is in the bliss yonder,
In white robes like the dawn,
  With their palm-trees in their hand!

From the streams of the river
    they will drink forever,
  They will eat from the
      fruits of the tree:
And their bliss will endure unfailingly,
  While ever the bright heavens endure.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
I see a world of spirits bright,
  Who reap the pleasures there;
They all are robed in purest white,
  And conquering palms they bear.

They drink the
    deifying stream,
  They pluck
      th' ambrosial fruit,
And each records the praise of him
  Who tuned his golden lute.
Charles Wesley 1707-88
And let this feeble body fail
Funeral Hymns 1759
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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