Mor deilwng yw'r Oen

(Yr Oen)
  Mor deilwng yw'r Oen,
  Fu farw mewn poen,
Er mwyn i droseddwyr gael byw; 
  Trwy rinwedd ei waed,
  Mawr heddwch a wnaed,
Cymodwyd gelynion â Duw.

  Pan gododd Mab Duw
  O'i feddrod yn fyw,
Dinystriodd holl gryfder y ddraig;
  Gorchfygodd drwy'i waed,
  Bob gelyn a gaed,
Cydganed preswylwyr y graig.

  Pan ddelo'r holl saint
  O'r cystudd a'r haint,
Uwch trallod a phechod a phoen;
  Fe fydd yr holl nef
  A llafar un llef,
Yn canu mai teilwng yw'r Oen.
Robert Ellis (Cynddelw) 1812-75

Tôn [558D]: Hungerford (H J Gauntlett 1805-76)

(The Lamb)
  How worthy is the Lamb,
  Who died in pain,
In order for transgressors to get to live;
  Throught the virtue of his blood,
  Great peace was made,
Enemies were reconvciled to God.

  When the Son of God rose
  From his tomb alive,
He destroyed all the strength of the dragon;
  He overcame through his blood,
  Every enemy there was,
Let the inhabitants of the rock sing together.

  When all the saints come
  From the affliction and the infection,
Above trouble and sin and pain;
  All heaven shall be
  With one loud voice,
Singing that worthy is the Lamb.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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