Mor fer yw f'oes ni pheru f'einioes fawr

(Am fyrdra oes a sicrwydd marwolaeth)
Mor fer yw f'oes!
    ni pheru f'einioes fawr
I fwy'n y byd,
    ond megis enyd awr:
  Dïau y daw im'
      ing a braw ryw bryd,
  Fel eraill âf,
      a minnau fyddaf fud.

Er bod yn iach
    am ennyd bach yn byw,
I fedd ar fŷr
    mae'm llwybr eglur yw:
  Un dydd nid oes
      o sicrwydd einioes im';
  I'r bedd yr âf,
      yn ol ni ddeuaf ddim.

Fy siwnai sydd yn faith,
    a'm dydd yr fyr;
Fel edau frau,
    fy oes dïau a dŷr:
  Mae eisiau bod
      yn barod cyn y bedd,
  I gadw gŵyl
      mewn nefol hwyl a hedd.
Edward Jones 1761-1836
Cofiant Edward Jones 1839


(About the brevity of life and the certainty of death)
How short is my life!
    my lifespan will not continue greatly
To live in the world,
    but as if a moment of an hour:
  Doubtless there will come to me
      anguish and terror some time,
  As others I shall go,
      and I too shall be mute.

Although healthy
    for a little moment living,
To the grave shortly
    is my path, it is clear:
  Not one day is
      of a certainty of a lifespan to me;
  To the grave I shall go,
      after I come to nothing.

It is my journey which is long,
    and my day short;
Like fragile threads,
    my life shall doubtless break:
  There is need to be
      ready before the grave,
  To keep festival
      in heavenly joy and peace.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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