Mor hapus yw

  Mor hapus yw
  Cael bod yn blant i Dduw;
Mae Duw yn dirion at y gwan,
Mae'n caru'r eiddo ym mhob man;
  Duw, cariad yw.

  O! ddedwydd had,
  Cael Brenin nef yn Dad;
A chael yn Frawd yr Iesus gwiw,
Y nef yn gartref byth i fyw,
  O! hyfryd wlad.

  O! byddwn fyw
  Fel dylai plant i Dduw;
Gan ddilyn Iesu Grist o hyd,
Yn lân ein gwaith, yn lân ein bryd;
  Duw, sanctaidd yw.
Eleazar Roberts 1825-1912

Tôn [46884]: Mor hapus yw (hen alaw, trefnwyd 1868)

  How happy it is
  To get to be a child of God;
God is gentle towards the weak,
He loves his own in every place;
  God, he is love.

  Oh, happy seed,
  To have the King of heaven as a Father;
And to have as a Brother the worthy Jesus,
The heaven as a home forever to live,
  Oh, pleasant land!

  Oh, let us live
  As the children of God should;
Following Jesus Christ constantly,
Clean our work, clean our mind;
  God, he is holy.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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