Mor hyfryd yw cyfarfod

Mor hyfryd yw cyfarfod
  Yn nhawel demel Duw
I gyd-glofori'n beraidd
  Ei sanctaidd Enw gwiw;
Awn at ei Orsedd rasol
  Am bob dymunol ddawn,
I wrando llais trugaredd
  Yn seinio'n beraidd iawn.

O Arglwydd, dyro fendith
  Yn ddilyth yn dy dŷ,
A thywallt di dy Ysbryd
  Yn hyfryd oddi fry;
O rho dy wyneb grasol,
  Y nefol ddwyfol ddawn,
Ac yna cawn dy foli
  A'th wasanaethu'n iawn.

Gwyn fyd preswylwyr Seion,
  Cānt foli yn ddi-lys
Ar newydd gān dragwyddol,
  O fewn y nefol lys;
Rho inni, Arglwydd grasol,
  O fewn i'th breswyl fyw,
Gan gyrraedd, trwy drugaredd,
  O'r diwedd at ein Duw.
nhawel :: hynod
yn ddi-lys :: 'r Oen ar frys

Benjamin Francis 1734-99

Tonau [7676D]:
Missionary (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Pen yr Yrfa (William James 1877-1964)
Penlan (David Jenkins 1848-1915)

How lovely it is to meet
  In the quiet temple of God
To extol together sweetly
  His worthy, holy name;
Let us go to his gracious throne
  For every desirable gift,
To listen to the voice of mercy
  Sounding very sweetly.

O Lord, grant a blessing
  Unfailingly in thy house,
And pour thou thy Spirit
  Delightfully from above;
O give thy gracious face,
  The heavenly divine gift,
And there we may get to praise thee
  And serve thee aright.

Blessed the residents of Zion,
  They may get to praise unfailingly
With an eternal, new song,
  Within the heavenly court;
Grant to us, gracious Lord,
  Within thy residence to live,
By arriving, through mercy,
  At last at our God.
quiet :: notable
unfailingly :: the Lamb in haste

tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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