Mor rhyfedd yw Dy gariad Iôr

Mor rhyfedd yw Dy gariad, Iôr!
Dy ddoniau sydd ddiderfyn stôr;
  A'th drugareddau yn ddilyth
  Ddyferant fel y bore' wlith.

Pan, ar Dy air, y torodd gwawr,
Gan loni'r greadigaeth fawr,
  O'i chwsg dihunaist
      natur wael,
  A'i llwytho wnêst
      â'th roddion hael.

Pob bendith ddêl
    o'th law bob pryd 
A eilw am ein mawl o hyd;
  O! dyro nerth i'n henaid gwan
  Dy felus foli yn mhob man.
Anhysbys (Cân a Mawl / Song and Praise, 1918.)

Tôn [MH 8888]: Ernan (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

How wonderful is Thy love, Lord!
Thy gifts are an endless store;
  And thy mercies unfailing
  Drip like the morning dew.

When, at Thy word, the dawn broke,
Cheering the great creation,
  From his sleep thou didst
      awaken base nature,
  And load it thou didst
      with thy generous gifts.

Every blessing comes from
    thy hand every time
Which calls for our praise continuously;
  Oh give strength to our weak soul
  Sweetly to praise thee everywhere.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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