Mor wynfydedig ydoedd dyn

1,2,3,4,(5a),6;  1,2,5b.
(Cwymp Dyn)
Mor wynfydedig ydoedd dyn,
  Yn hardd ar lun ei Arglwydd!
Heb ing na chur, nac angau chwaith,
  Yn berffaith mewn santeiddrwydd!

Ond wele, syrthiodd ef a'i ryw,
  Tan ddigter Duw
      a'i soriant;
Trwy dwyll y ddraig
    a'i hudol iaith,
  O ganol maith ogoniant.

Pan welodd y Jehofa cu,
  Orchfugu'r pur gre'duriaid,
Addewid hylwydd rhoes y Tad,
  O Grist yr had bendigaid.

Cyflawnodd ef ei air yn gu,
  A darfu'n foreu addo,
Gan farnu'r ddraig, -
    daeth Crist i'r byd,
  A'i phen a sigwyd ganddo.

Trwy ddyoddef poen, yr Iesu pur,
  Mor wael dan gur marwolaeth,
Dystrywiodd ef uffernol rym
 Y ddraig, a'i llym elyniaeth.

[Ond rhinwedd poen yr Iesu pur,
   Pan aeth dan gur yr angau,
 Ddistrywiodd rym y sarff i gyd,
   A bywyd ddaeth i ninau.]

Adferodd ddyn colledig, gwan,
  I fywyd annherfynol;
Preswylfa well nac Eden yw,
  Yn ngwyddfod Duw'n dragwyddol.
Cyflawnodd ef :: Cyflawnodd Duw

Benjamin Francis 1734-99

priodolwyd hefyd i:
Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu) 1766-1850
Gardd Eifion 1841

Tonau [MS 8787]:
    Caroline (<1876)
    Mary (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
    Rochester (Day's Psalter 1562)

(The Fall of Man)
How blessed was man,
  Beautifully in the image of his Lord!
With no anguish or hurt, nor death either,
  Perfect in holiness!

But see, he and his kind fell,
  Under the anger of God
      and his indignation;
Through the deception of the dragon
    and his alluring language,
  From the centre of vast glory.

When the dear Jehovah saw,
  The conquering of the pure creation,
A successful promise the Father gave,
  Of Christ the blessed seed.

He fulfilled his word amiably,
  And the morning of promise came to pass,
By judging the dragon, -
    Christ came to the world,
  And his head was crushed by him.

Through suffering pain, the pure Jesus,
  So poor under the stroke of mortality,
He destroyed the hellish force
  Of the dragon, and his keen enmity.

[But the merit of the pain of pure Jesus,
   When he went under the stroke of death,
 He destroyed all the force of the serpent,
   And life came to us.]

He restored lost, weak man,
  To endless life;
A residence better than Eden there is,
  In the presence of God eternally.
He fulfilled :: God fulfilled

tr. 2015,16 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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