Myfi mewn dagrau llawn

(Llwyddiant yr anwir)
Myfi mewn dagrau llawn,
  I amheu'r awn yn brysur;
Oes Duw a glyw, neu wel heb gudd,
  Y pethau sydd îs awyr.

Terfysgau'm meddwl gwan
  A'm cadwent dan betrusder
Nes aethum i'th gyssegroedd di
  I ddysgu dy gyfiawnder.

Diau fod cyfiawn Dduw,
  Nad ydyw crefydd ofer,
Er gall yr anwir lawenhau
  A grasol rai mewn blinder.

Dy air, mewn eglur fodd,
  Ddiwygiodd f'amryfusedd;
Gwelais eu bywyd gwych cyn hyn,
  Ond yma'n syn eu diwedd.

Fy Nuw, ymostwng rwy',
  Fy nghalon mwy nis grwgnach;
Fy nerth a'm rhan a'm bywyd i
  Y galwaf fi di bellach.
Casgliad Samuel Roberts 1841

Tôn [MBC 6787]: Erfyniad (F T Walmisley)

gwelir: Dy air mewn eglur fodd

(The prosperity of the untrue)
I in tears full,
  To doubt now hurriedly;
Whether God hears, or sees without a cover,
  The things that are above the sky.

The tumults of my weak thought
  Would keep me under vacillation
Until I came into thy sanctuaries
  To learn thy righteousness.

Doubtless that God is righteous,
  That belief is not in vain,
Though the untrue can rejoice
  And the gracious ones in distress.

Thy word, in a clear manner,
  Revived my disagreement;
I saw their excellent life before this,
  But then astonishingly their end.

My God, humbling myself I am,
  My heart shall no more grumble;
My strength and my portion and my life
  I shall call thee henceforth.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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