Myfyriaf gerdd byth i barhau

(Salm LXXXIX - Gwirionedd Duw)
Myfyriaf gerdd,
    byth i barhau, 
  O drugareddau'r Arglwydd; 
A'i wiríonedd i'm genau fydd, 
  Hyd dragywydd, yn ebrwydd.

Trwy gynnulleidfa ei saint ef,
  Duw'r nef y sydd ofnadwy; 
A thrwy'r holl fyd
    o'n hamgylch ni, 
  Ei ofni sydd ddyladwy.

Pwy sydd debyg i ti, Dduw byw,
  O Arglwydd Dduw
      y Lluoedd,
Yn gadarn Ior, a'th wir i'th gylch,
  O amgylch yr holl nefoedd?

I'th fraich mae grym,
    mae nerth i'th luw,
  A'th gref
      ddeheulaw codi;
Nawdd a barn yw dy orsedd bur,
  A nawdd a gwir a geri.
Pwy sydd debyg i ti, Dduw byw :: Tebyg i ti pwy sydd, O Dduw

Edmund Prys 1544-1623

Tôn [MC 8686]: Bangor (William Tans'ur 1706-83)

(PSALM 89 - God's Truth)
I will contemplate music,
    forever to continue,
  Of the Lord's mercies;
And his truth to my mouth will be,
  Eternally, speedily.

Through the congregation of his saints,
  The God of heaven is to be feared;
And through all the world
    around us,
  His fear is due.

Who is like thee, living God,
  O Lord God
      of the hosts,
A firm Master, with thy truth around thee,
  From the surroundings of all the heavens?

To thy arm is force,
    there is strength to thy hand,
  And thy strong
      right hand raises;
Protection and judgment are thy pure throne,
  And protection and truth thou dost love.
Who is like thee, living God :: Like thee, who is there, O God

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

 1 Thy mercies, Lord,
       shall be my song, 
     my song on them shall ever dwell;
   To ages yet unborn my tongue
     thy never-failing truth shall tell.

 7 With rev'rence and religious dread
     his saints should to his temple press;
   His fear through all their hearts
       should spread, 
     who his Almighty Name confess.

 8 Lord God of armies, who can boast
     of strength or pow'r,
         like thine renowned?
   Of such a num'rous faithful host,
     as that which does thy throne surround.

13 Thy arm is mighty,
       strong thy hand,
     yet, Lord, thou dost
         with justice reign;
14 Possessed of absolute command,
     thou truth and mercy dost maintain.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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