N'ad i'r gwyntoedd cryf dychrynllyd
Nâd y gwyntoedd cryf dychrynllyd

1,(2,(3)),4,5;  1,2,4.
(Ymbil am Oleuni)
N'ad i'r gwyntoedd cryf, dychrynllyd,
  Gwyntoedd oer y gogledd draw,
Ddwyn i'm hysbryd gwan, trafferthus,
  Ofnau am ryw ddrygau ddaw;
    Tro'r awelon
Oera'u rhyw yn nefol hin!

Gwna 'mi weld y byd a'i stormydd
  Yn diflannu cyn bo hir; 
Doed i'r golwg dros y bryniau 
  Ran o'r nefol, hyfryd dir;
    Im gael llonydd 
Gan holl derfysgiadau'r llawr.

Grym fy nwydau sy'n fy mhoeni,
  Grym f'euogrwydd a fy mai:
Methu eilwaith beidio pechu,
  Eilwaith methu 'difarau:
    I 'ngwaredu
O na welwn fore wawr!

Disgwyl 'rwyf drwy hyd yr hirnos,
  Disgwyl am y bore-ddydd;
Disgwyl clywed pyrth yn agor,
  A chadwynau'n mynd yn rhydd;
    Disgwyl golau 
Pur yn nh'wyllwch tewa'r nos.

Daw, fe ddaw y wawr wen, olau
  Y bo'r cwmwl du yn ffoi;
Tarth a niwl yn cyd-ddiflannu
  A oedd wedi cydgrynhoi:
    Dyma'r oriau 
'Rwy'n eu gweled draw drwy ffydd.
N'ad i'r :: Nād y
dros y bryniau :: tros y bryniau
drwy hyd :: trwy hyd
nh'wyllwch :: nh'w'llwch
'Rwy'n :: 'Wy'n
drwy ffydd :: trwy ffydd

1771 William Williams 1717-91

Gnoll Avenue (David Jenkins 1848-1915)
Hyder (Richard Ellis 1775-1855)
St Peter (alaw eglwysig)
Watford (Salmydd Genefa 1561)

  Dysgwyl 'rwyf drwy hyd yr hir-nos
  Mi feddyliais yn y bore

(Entreaty for Light)
Do not let the strong, terrifying winds,
  The cold winds of the distant north,
Bring to my weak, troubled spirit,
  Fears about the kind of evils to come;
    May the breezes turn
Of the coldest kind into heavenly weather!

Make me see the world and its storms
  Disappearing before long;
May there come to view across the hills
  Part of the heavenly, pleasant land;
    That I may have peace
From all the tumults of below.

Strong my passions which assail me,
  Strong my guilt and my sin:
Failure again to stop sinning,
  Again failing to repent:
    To deliver me
O that I would see there the break of day!

I am waiting throughout the long night,
  Waiting for the morning of day;
Waiting to hear the portals opening,
  And the chains becoming free;
    Waiting for light
Pure in the thickest darkness of the night.

It comes, the bright, light dawn comes
  That the black cloud may flee;
Smoke and cloud disappearing together
  Which had gathered together:
    Here are the hours
I can see them yonder through faith.

tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion


I am through the lone night waiting,
  For the dawning of the day,
When my prison door is opened,
  When my fetters fall away.
    O come quickly,
  Happy day of Jubilee!

Let me still be meekly wakeful,
  Trusting that to all my woes,
By thy mighty hand, Redeemer,
  Shall be given a speedy close:
    Keep me watching,
  For the joyful Jubilee.
tr. 1854 Joseph Morris


While the stormy winds are blowing

tr. Howell Elvet Lewis [Elfed] 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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