Nac ofna f'enaid fynu c'od

(Y Rhyfel crist'nogol)
Nac ofna, f'enaid, fynu c'od,
Am danat arfau'r 'fengyl dod;
  Dos tu a'r nefol byrth ymla'n,
  Lle'r aeth dy Capten Iesu glān.

Uffern a phechod a'th werthsai',
Ond maeddodd Crist y cyfryw rai;
  Ac wrth y groes fe'u hoeliwyd hwy,
  Gorchfygu'r saint ni's gallent mwy.

Beth er bob t'wysog uffern ddu
Yn rhuo a llidio 'nawr mor gry'?
  Trag'wyddol rwymau a'u ceidw 'lawr,
  I danllyd bydew'r fagddu fawr.

Er bod dy chwantau o'th fewn mor fyw,
Eu hymdrech ola' am fywyd yw;
  Caiff arfau hollalluog ras
  Ddinystrio'th holl bechodau cas.

Am hynny, f'enaid, pwysa'n hy,
Ymlaen tua phorth y nefoedd fry:
  Mae yno hedd a gwynfyd hael,
  A gwisgoedd hardd
      i orchgyfwyr gael.

Caf yno wisgo coron wiw,
A gorfoledda yng ngras fy Nuw;
  A moli wna'r holl nefol lu
  F'Arweinydd gogoneddus fry.
Capten :: Gadben
wrth y groes :: wrth ei groes
gwisgoedd hardd :: gwisgoedd heirdd

Pigion o Hymnau &c. 1808

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(The Christian battle)
Fear not, my soul, rise up,
About thee, the armour of the gospel put;
  Go towards the heavenly gates forward,
  Where thy holy Captain Jesus went.

Hell and sin against thee stand,
But Christ beat such as they;
  And to the cross they were nailed,
  Overcome the saints they could no more.

What though every prince of black hell
Roar and show wrath so strong?
  Eternal bonds shall keep them down,
  To the fiery pit of great pitch-darkness.

Though thy lusts within thee be so alive,
Their last struggle for life it is;
  The weapons of almighty grace
  Shall destroy all thy detestable sins.

Therefore, my soul, press boldly,
Onward towards the gates of heaven above:
  There are peace and generous blessedness,
  And beautiful garments
      for overcomers to get.

There I may wear a worthy crown,
And rejoice in the grace of my God;
  And praise shall all the heavenly host
  My glorious Leader above.
to the cross :: to his cross

tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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