Na'd i mi daflu d'air o'm hol

(Y Gair yn Rymus)
Na'd i mi daflu d'air o'm hol,
  Fel peth aflesol, bythoedd;
Mỳn iddo drigfan yn ddi-drai,
  Drwy f'wyllys, a'i 'stafelloedd.

Rho i mi brofi d'air mewn grym,
  Fel cleddyf llym, a llymach,
Yn rhoi i'm calon galed glwy',
  'Rwy'n deisyf, yn fwy dwysach.

Pâr fod dy air yn f'enaid i,
  O Dduw, yn gèni'n gynnes,
Yn fwy na chyfoeth pena'r byd,
  Bob mynyd, yn fy mynwes.

Hwyrfrydig wyf i ffoi'r un cam
  I fyny am fy einioes,
Er gweled arwydd barn yn bod,
  Drom, wedi ei gosod eisoes.

Llais Duw o hyd sy'n d'wedyd, Dôs,
  Nac aros yn y goror -
Fel diluw tân -
    lle daw fy llid,
  Môr gofid mawr dygyfor.

Hyn wyf yn ofyn cyn fy medd,
  O Dduw, na omedd i mi, -
Iawn gredu'th fod heb un o'th fath,
  Dy ddilyn, a'th addoli.

O! dyro'r ffydd y sydd a'i sail
  Yn Adda'r Ail, a'i nodded, -
Pe deuai cystudd o bob cwr,
  Mai Crist yw'r Gŵr
      a'm gwared.

Rho'r ffydd a fyddo'n gweithio'n gall
  Trwy gariad diball geirwir;
Byth yn dy dŷ af felly fod
  Yn aelod - fe'm cynhelir.
Edward Jones 1761-1836
Caniadau Maes y Plwm 1857

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(The Word as Powerful)
Do not let me cast thy word behind me,
  Like something unprofitable, ever;
Insist on its dwelling unebbingly,
  Throughout my will, and its rooms.

Grant me to experience thy word in power,
  Like a sharp sword, and sharper,
Giving my hard heart a wound,
  I beseech thee, ever more earnestly.

Cause thy word to be in my soul,
  O God, contained warmly,
More than the chief wealth of the world,
  Every minute, in my bosom.

Reluctant am I to flee even one step
  Up for my life,
In order to see the sign of judgment being,
  Heavily, already set.

The voice of God is still saying, Go,
  Do not stay on the border -
Like a deluge of fire -
    where my wrath shall come,
  A great, tumultuous sea of grief.

This I am fearing before my grave,
  O God, do not deny me, -
(Rightly I believe thou art not like that,)
  To follow thee, and to worship thee.

O grant the faith that is based on
  The Second Adam, and his protection, -
(If the tribulation comes from any corner,)
  That Christ is the Man
      who will deliver me.

Give the faith that would be working wisely
  Through unfailing, truthful love;
Forever in thy house I shall go thus to be
  A member - I shall be upheld.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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