Nef a daear, tir a môr Sydd yn datgan mawl ein Iôr: Fynni dithau, f'enaid, fod Yn y canol heb roi clod? Gwena'r haul o'r cwmwl du Er mwyn dangos Duw o'n tu; Dywed sêr a lleuad dlos Am ei fawredd yn y nos. Gwellt y maes a dail y coed Sy'n ei ganmol ef erioed; Popeth hardd o dan y nef, Dyna waith ei fysedd ef. Cwyd aderyn bach o'i nyth Am fod Duw yn dirion byth; Gwrendy'r corwynt ar ei lef, Cerdda'r mellt ei lwybrau ef. Dywed afon yn ei hiaith Mai efe sy'n trefnu'r daith; Ac ni chyfyd ton o'r môr Heb roi mawl i enw'r Iôr. Rhyfedd wyt, O Dduw, bob awr Yn egluro d'allu mawr: Wrth dy draed, O dysg i mi Beth wyf fi, a phwy wyt ti.cyf. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Tonau [7777]: |
Heaven and earth, land and sea Are declaring the praise of our Lord: Wouldst thou then, my soul, be In the midst without giving acclaim? The sun smiles from the black cloud In order to show God on our side; The stars and the pretty moon tell Of his greatness in the night. The grass of the field and the leaves of the wood Are ever extolling him; Everything beautiful under heaven, That is the work of his fingers. The little bird rises from its nest Since God is tender forever; The hurricane listens to his voice, The lightning walks his paths. The river tells in its language That 'tis he who orders the journey; And no wave rises from the sea Without giving praise to our Lord's name. Wonderful art thou, O God, every hour Making evident thy great power: At thy feet, O teach to me What am I, and who art 2024 Richard B Gillion |
Heaven and earth, and sea and air, All their maker's praise declare; Wake, my soul, awake and sing: Now thy grateful praises bring. See the glorious orb of day Breaking through the clouds his way; Moon and stars with silvery light Praise him through the silent night. See how he hath everywhere Made this earth so rich and fair; Hill and vale and fruitful land, All things living, show his hand. Lord, great wonders workest thou! To thy sway all creatures bow; Write thou deeply in my heart What I am, and what thou Catherine Winkworth 1827-78
from the German Joachim Neander 1650-80
Tunes [7777]: |