Ni allwn ni ond hau yr had, A medi ffrwyth y llawr; Mae holl gynhaeaf hardd ein gwlad Yn llaw yr Arglwydd mawr; Efe sy'n danfon gwlith a glaw, A gwres yr heulwen wiw, A gwawl y lloer - pob bendith ddaw O orsedd deg ein Duw. Rhydd inni obaith y cawn fyw Cyn hir yng ngwlad y nef, I weled ei ogoniant gwiw A moli'i gariad Ef; Boed inni, ynteu, ar y llawr, Roi parch i lais ein Tad, Ymostwng i'w drefniadau mawr, A chanu am ei rad.Psalmau a Hymnau, S.P.C.K., 1861.
Tôn [MCD 8686D]: Sunninghill |
We can only sow the seed, And reap the fruit of earth; All the beautiful harvest of our land is In the hand of the great Lord; 'Tis he who sends dew and rain, And the warmth of the worthy sun, And moon's light - every blessing comes From the fair throne of our God. He gives us hope that we may live Before long in the land of heaven, To see his worthy glory And praise his love; Let us, then, on the earth, Give respect to the voice of our Father, Submit to his great purposes, And sing of his 2020 Richard B Gillion |