Ni aned neb erioed i'r byd

Ni aned neb erioed i'r byd
    Fel Iesu Grist;
Ni fu un gŵr o'i fewn i gyd
    Fel Iesu Grist;
O'r holl greadigaeth, gorau gwawr,
Sydd yn y nef a'r ddaear lawr,
Nid oes, ni fu yr un mor fawr
    Ag Iesu Grist;
A chofio geni hwn yw'r gān
Sy'n gwneud y nefol deulu'n dān,
Yn don o glod i'w enw glān,
    O Iesu Grist!

Ac nid yn unig yn y nef
    Mae'r gān i gyd:
Datseinia'r ddaear lafar lef
    I Brynwr byd.
Ar ōl y codwm mawr a'i loes,
O Eden draw y dyn a droes
I weled Iesu Grist a'i groes
    A chael iachād;
Edrychai'r tadau hwythau'n hir
Am Iesu gwiw, Feseia gwir,
Ar ddiwrnod byddai'n dod i dir
    O dŷ ei Dad.
Ebenezer Thomas (Eben Fardd) 1802-63

[Mesur: 8484.8884.8884]

No-one was ever born to the world
    Like Jesus Christ;
There never was one within it all
    Like Jesus Christ;
Of all the creation, the best dawn,
That is in heaven and the earth below,
There is not, there was not one so great
    As Jesus Christ;
And remembering his birth is the song
That makes the heavenly family a fire,
A wave of praise to his holy name,
    O Jesus Christ!

And not only in heaven
    Is all the song:
The earth resounds with a loud cry
    To the world's Redeemer.
After the great fall and its anguish,
From yonder Eden the man who turned
To see Jesus Christ and his cross
    And get healing;
Their fathers looked long
For worthy Jesus, true Messiah,
Upon the day when he would come to the land
    Of his Father's house.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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