Ni chafodd Brenin nef

Ni chafodd Brenin nef,
Y dydd y ganed Ef,
  Yn cartref gwych;
O'r fath ryfeddod mawr!
Etifedd nef a llawr
A gaed cyn torri'r wawr
  Yn llety'r ych.

Ond cododd goleu mawr
Ar deulu daear lawr, 
  Yn awr o'r nef;
Am lawer oes, fe fu 
Yn gaeth luosog lu,
Dan gysgod angeu du,
  Nes ganwyd ef.

Am Grist a'i farwol glwy',
Mae sôn yn myned drwy
  Ororau maith;
Y mae'r efengyl lân,
Fel pur angerddol dân,
Yn 'hedeg yn y blaen,
  I blith pob iaith.

Daw'r anial dîr fel gardd,
Yn llawn rhosynau hardd,
  Ardderchog wedd:
Y ddaear a fydd lawn
O bob rhinweddol ddawn,
Ac yn flodeuog iawn
  Mewn gras a hedd.
ryfeddod mawr :: ryfeddod fawr

1-2: Casgliad Samuel Roberts 1841
3-4: Caniadau Y Cysegr 1855

Tôn [664.6664]: Moscow (Felice de Giardini 1716-96)

gwelir: Am Grist a'i farwol glwy'

The King of heaven did not get
On the day He was born,
  A brilliant home;
Oh, what a great wonder!
The heir of heaven and earth
Was found before the break of dawn
  In the lodging of the oxen.

But a great light arose
On the family of earth below,
  Now from heaven;
For many an age, it was
A captive numerous host,
Under the shadow of black death,
  Until he was born.

About Christ and his mortal wound,
The mention is going through
  Vast frontiers;
The holy gospel is
Like pure intense fire,
Flying forwards,
  Into the midst of every language.

The desert land will become like a garden,
Full of beautiful roses,
  Of exceptional appearance:
The earth shall be full
Of every virtuous gift,
And greatly flourishing
  In grace and peace.

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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