Ni chaiff fod eisiau byth/fyth na thrai

1,2,4;  1,3,4.
(Digonedd diball)
Ni chaiff fod eisiau byth na thrai,
  Tra seren yn y nef,
Ar neb o'r rhai a ro'nt eu pwys
  Ar ei gyfiawnder Ef.

Mae'i drugareddau, yn ddiball,
  Yn llanw'r ddaear faith;
Nid oes na dyn na dawn, a all
  Eu dweyd na'u rhifo chwaith.

Doed y trueiniaid yma 'nghyd
  Yn lluoedd heb ddim rhi',
Cânt eu diwalla oll yn llawn
  O ras y nefoedd fry.

O gâd im' brofi'th nefol hedd
  Yn mhob anadliad pur;
Ac felly myn'd o'r byd i'r bedd
  Mewn hûn nefolaidd wir.
1,3,4: William Williams 1717-91
2 : Morris Davies 1796-1876

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Farrant (Richard Farrant c.1530-80)
St Ann (William Croft 1677-1727)

O Arglwydd Iôr nawdd dynolryw
Tad pob trugaredd Arglwydd byw
Ymhlith holl ryfeddodau'r nef

(Unfailing sufficiency)
There shall be no need ever, nor ebbing,
  While there is one star in heaven,
On any of those who lean
  On His righteousness.

His mercies, unfadingly, are
  Flooding the vast earth;
There is neither man nor gift, which can
  Tell them nor number them either.

Let the wretches come here together
  In hosts without any number,
They may all get the outpouring fully
  Of the grace of heaven above.

O let me experience thy heavenly peace
  In every pure breath;
And thus go from the world to the grave
  In true heavenly sleep.
tr. 2015,16 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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