Ni chefais ni chaf yn f'oes

(Crist y Cyfaill gorau)
Ni chefais, ni chaf yn f'oes -
    mewn cyfyngder,
Ond yr hwn fu ar y groes -
    rhwng dau leidr,
Nac un cyfaill yn y byd -
    dâl ei garu,
A bery'n ffyddlon im' o hyd -
    neb ond Iesu.

Am y perl o uchel bris -
    mae fy enaid,
Hwn sy'n rhoddi ffrwyth bob mis -
    i drueiniaid;
Dinas noddfa, castell clyd -
    imi lechu,
Nid wy'n dewis yn y byd -
    neb ond Iesu.
Swp o Ffigys 1825

Tonau [7474D]:
Easter Hymn (Lyra Davidica 1708)
  Ford Gate (<1825)

(Christ the best Friend)
I have not had, nor shall I ever have -
    in straits,
Anyone but him who died on the cross -
    between two thieves,
Nor any friend in the world -
    that it pays to love,    
Who shall continue faithful to me always -
    no-one but Jesus.

Wanting the pearl of high price -
    is my soul,
He who is giving fruit every month -
    to wretches;
A city of refuge, a secure castle -
    for me to hide,
I am not choosing in the world -
    anyone but Jesus.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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